Six Steps to Beating Inflation in 2024

Peter Velin
5 min readJan 2, 2024


The world faced many challenges in 2023, some of them new and some of them old. According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023, some of the biggest risks facing the world identified were the cost-of-living crisis, geo-economic confrontation, and natural disasters. Some of the specific events that highlighted these challenges in 2023 were: — The war in Ukraine, the energy supply crisis, leading to soaring prices, — The food supply crisis, which was caused by droughts, floods, pests, and conflicts, affecting millions of people with hunger, malnutrition, and displacement.

Hello there, my friend! As the page turns to 2024 has your wallet been feeling unusually empty these days? You’re not alone. With prices soaring and that grocery bill starting to resemble a small fortune, inflation feels like an uninvited guest at our financial party. I’d like to share a blueprint that’ll have you build a tiny plan toward financial freedom, and guess what? You don’t need a degree in finance to follow it!

So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and let’s chat about how you can turn things around in 2024 with some tiny, yet mighty, steps!


The cornerstone of our anti-inflation fortress is affordable living. But here’s a secret: affordable doesn’t mean you’ve got to compromise on quality. What I’m suggesting is a smart little twist — similar to savvy real estate developers. Imagine joining a group of folks who share a vision of compact, community-driven living. Pool those resources, and bam! You could snag a piece of land without emptying your savings.

Suppose there’s this sun-kissed land in California, priced at $300,000, and it’s huge — 75 acres huge. Trying to buy it solo? That’s a tough cookie to crack. But if you’re in a team of 25 equally enthusiastic friends, that’s just $12,000 each!

Let me tell you about the Tiny Haven Commune. They did exactly this! Now they’ve got gardens, shared spaces, and of course, their sweet little homes. Dreamy, affordable, and all within reach.


Step two is where you roll up your sleeves and channel your inner architect. It’s time to build a tiny house that’s more than just walls and a roof. It’s your personality in the form of a snug, cost-effective home. Design a tiny haven that reflects your style and sidesteps those hefty mortgages. Because when we’re talking about beating inflation, tiny is your best buddy — efficient, adaptable, and oh-so-endearing.

For inspiration, look at Sarah and Joe from the good ol’ Midwest. They built a home with solar panels and rainwater collection. It’s environmentally sound and keeps their pockets lined with a little extra green.


Alright, let’s talk veggies. We need them, we love them, and guess what? We can grow them. Step three is dusting off that green thumb and taking charge of your food. Plant those seeds, nurture a garden, and wave goodbye to those scary supermarket bills. There’s nothing quite like biting into a carrot you’ve grown yourself.

Take Maria from Oregon — she transformed her backyard into a verdant veggie paradise. She’s feeding her family with fresh produce picked right from her soil. So sustainable, so fulfilling!


Now for step four, let’s talk about how the remote work revolution can be your ally. By making your skillset digital-ready, you can work just a few steps from your bed (in pajamas, if you wish). No more time-guzzling commutes or overpriced office spaces, just you and a laptop in your own little slice of heaven.

Tom, a graphic designer, swapped his cramped city apartment for views of the open countryside without missing a beat in his career. If he can do it, why not you?


Community is the heart and soul of tiny living, and step five is where the fun really begins. Imagine a network of neighbors, each contributing their talents and tools, sharing chores, and being a part of something bigger than themselves. It’s like having a support crew and a family all rolled into one.

Let me introduce you to the folks at Big Sky Community. They’ve got builders, chefs, and folks with talents aplenty. Their potlucks? Legendary. Their spirit? Unmatched.


Now, step six — this is where we get crafty. You see, it’s not just about how much cash you’ve got; it’s about the richness of your life. Think bartering, resource sharing, and lending a hand where needed. We’re creating a treasure chest of value that laughs in the face of inflation.

Consider Jenna and Elise. They’re the queens of barter in their tiny village. Fancy some fresh eggs? Perhaps a haircut or even bike repairs? They’re trading and thriving, sans cash.


And there it is, my go-getter pal, six hearty steps to outwit inflation and design a life chock-full of richness — and I’m not just talking money here. These small homes we’re dreaming about? They’re more than just a trend; they’re a strategic move against an economy that can’t tell when enough’ s enough.

As the page turns to 2024, we have a choice: let inflation knock us down or arm ourselves with simplicity and connection. Opting for tinny digs isn’t just cutting back on square footage; it’s expanding our financial savvy and quality of life. So why don’t we stride ahead together, sharing this journey and molding our lives with cleverness and community?

Raise your glass (or mug if that’s more your style) to a future where we do more than survive — we thrive as a community! Here’s to overcoming inflation, one tiny victory at a time.

