How to Solve Rigging Equipment Challenges on the Construction Job Site?

Peter Baca
2 min readOct 9, 2018


Today, the construction industry is flourishing. Beautiful urban destinations are being built. Know that one lavish building requires land, labor and capital. And what are most important are the tools and equipment that help in the formation of a building.

However, every industry faces some challenges. Likewise, the construction industry too suffers from problems regarding chain and rigging. Unfortunately, most people do not even recognize this issue. Instead, they work upon something else that is unnecessary.

Problems issuing out of rigging and lifting equipment

Problem 1

Negligence toward lifting and rigging equipment

Every damn thing on this earth has wear and tear. After using a machine for years and years it is sure to get damaged at a certain point. So, these machinery need to be changed. Same thing applies to lifting and rigging equipment.

As a solution, there can be two remedies:

a. Before you send it to the construction site, you have to inspect your rigging and lifting gear.

b. After it reaches the site, the machinery need to be examined further.

Problem 2

Job sites lack the rigging gear that is required

Most of the time, the site where your construction is going on, does not have a rigging gear. Again, even though the site has a rigging gear, it does not work or lacks proper tools. It is better to have the following items in the construction site:

· Lever tools

· Chain hoists

· Shackles, hooks

· Chain slings, synthetic slings and wire rope slings

· Fall preventive equipment

Problem 3

No rigging boxes are kept at stock

The rigging boxes can be purchased as a set. Or, you can buy singles and make your own box. If you choose the second option, you can store your preferred items.

