Resume Assistance: 5 Ways Resume Services Can Help You

Peter Yang
4 min readNov 15, 2019


Jobseeker reviewing resume for assistance

If you need resume assistance and want to know how resume services can help you, this article shows you why a resume writing service can be beneficial to your job search. Whatever your career goals may be and wherever you are in your career, a resume service benefits you in many ways. Besides having a perfect resume that you can send to recruiters and hiring managers, here are 5 ways resume assistance can end up helping you in your job search.

1. Saves you time

The most apparent factor that goes into writing a resume is your time. Whether you spend too much time or not enough time crafting a well-written resume, getting professional assistance ultimately saves you time. One of the worst feelings in the world as a job seeker is putting in so much time to try and perfect a resume you wrote yourself, just to realize in the end that you efforts alone aren’t going to cut it.

2. Saves you money

While there is undoubtedly an upfront cost to paying for professional resume assistance from a resume service to write your resume for you, you actually save money in the end. While you may be spending a couple hundred dollars or so getting professional help, remember what’s at stake here — the future of your career.

If you manage to secure more job interviews with the professionally written resume you’ve purchased, this ends up resulting in tens of thousands of dollars more annual income as a direct result of your investment.

3. Gets you a job faster

Using a resume service can get you a job faster. Instead of wasting time and money to write and rewrite your resume multiple times as you attempt to get a job, a professional resume writer can get the resume right the first time.

Your resume is the very first piece of information a recruiter or hiring manager will see about you, and this first impression is what gets you to the next step in the application process. Your resume has the primary goal of getting you an interview, and a professionally written resume will get you that interview. Instead of wondering if your resume needs editing or extra work, you can be confident that your professional resume will get you more interviews, which gives you more opportunities to meet with employers in person.

4. Gives you an objective view

Getting resume assistance from a professional source will provide a completely unbiased and objective view of you and your resume. You might be missing out on some vital inclusions to your resume, and a resume writer who has been doing this for years possesses the objectivity to write a resume that shows recruiters the full picture of you.

Have there been times where you believe that parts of your resume are perfect and don’t need to be touched or edited any further? It is these thoughts that cause you to lack objectivity in your resume writing. The parts that you think are perfect can usually be proofread and edited further to make your resume even better. You would have never known about it unless a third party, like a professional resume writer, stepped in to provide resume assistance.

5. Understands what recruiters want

Above all, professional resume services understand what recruiters want. You, as a job seeker, can only imagine and guess what a hiring manager or potential employer is looking for in a resume. In contrast, a professional resume writer has been trained on exactly how to write and format your resume.

You apply for jobs as someone who has experience or expertise in a specific field. However, this expertise or knowledge can only take you so far in your job search. Instead, what’s even more important is marketing and conveying these things on your resume so that hiring managers can find value in what you bring to the table. This is where resume assistance can come in handy, because professional resume writers are trained in exactly how to make your resume sparkle and appeal to your potential employer


It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of seeking resume assistance. For many job seekers out there who aren’t sure how to go about writing their resume, getting professional assistance from a trained professional is likely going to be a wise choice. If you’re interested in having your resume written by experts, consider ResumeGo, the only resume writing service out there that uses a data-driven approach to writing the best resume possible for your given field and career goal.

