It took me 6 months to publish this post

Peter Yin
2 min readJun 5, 2017


Writing is very difficult for me. That’s why starting today, I will publish one piece of writing every day for the next 7 days. Any day I fail to post by 9am, I will donate $50 to Donald Trump.

Writing is one of the best ways to organize our thoughts. Presenting ideas in a coherent way forces us to think clearly about the ideas we want to express. Writing also enables us to share our ideas with people beyond our circle. We can exchange ideas in conversations, but are limited by our personal bandwidth. With a blog, one can exchange ideas with thousands or more readers in a single day.

One of the hardest parts of sharing content is the fear of putting something out there that is “not good enough”. The potential for a large audience only amplifies the worry of what others will think. The best way to break through this psychological barrier is to face it head on. That’s why I’m doing this writing challenge. Posting every day will help me jumpstart a habit of writing and sharing content.

The posts during this week will likely be shorter and less polished. I won’t have the extra time for research or feedback that could help me write stronger content. This is ok. Starting out, I believe consistency is more important than quality. The only way to become better at any skill is to put it in to practice. The first amazing post I have will be a product of all the less amazing posts written before it.

After the first 7 days, I will reevaluate the system. If I want to start writing more thoughtful and polished content, I may shift to publishing only 2–3 posts a week. If I feel like I’m still getting value from daily posting, I’ll continue it for the rest of the month.

See you tomorrow!

