We are building a mirror that will show future humanity who they really are

Pete Dudek
4 min readMar 23, 2020


The reflection in the mirror, who is that person? Look into it. Observe each feature, the color of the eyes, the structure of the cheekbone, the length of hair. Do you feel any emotion as you look?

Likely, but why?

The mirror enables you to make judgments about yourself.

Without that reflection, without specific attributes tailored to you, an individual, how would you compare yourself to others, those deemed more, or less desirable? Do you wish that dimple wasn’t there? Do you feel shame at that bald spot? Are you proud of a particular feature?

But the literal mirror is not the only arbiter of self-judgment and reflection. It is anything that enables you to make introspective judgments about yourself, any artifact that enables the ability to compare yourself, to something else.

We often find solace when we are able to match our reflections with those of others and tie ourselves, our identity, to others who have similar reflections. You do this through your political views, your religious views, your societal views, how you dress, your monetary standing, and more.

Once you’ve established safety within a group, there’s a desire to elevate that group above all others, because, this, in fact, elevates you.

This is basal human instinct. The need to look into a mirror, and find a way to rise above the imperfections that we all feel so deeply, and the insecurities that are ingrained in us as humans. We are designed with the need to run in a pack, to feel loved, cherished … to feel safe.

Beauty, money, politics, religion, these are all ways each of us uses to congregate around those with similar attributes. This heightens our ability to be safe, to survive.

Indeed, we often want to run in other packs. We want to be inclusive, to join with others that don’t fully match our reflections. But this is not often a trivial task.

You will always be safer in your group. You will always feel more secure in your group. So you will always gravitate toward your group and protect it above all else.

This is no fault of yours, this is no fault of theirs. This is simply how things work by default.

Thankfully, there’s something deeper in all of us, something that gives us the ability to explore beyond the defaults and build bonds beyond what basal evolution would permit.

So who are you really? Look deeper into that mirror, beyond your eyes, beyond that freckle you don’t like, beyond that receding hairline, beyond whatever is currently making you feel unsafe when you stare into that mirror.

Who is that? What is that?

Explore that aspect of yourself. What does it desire? Safety? Yes. But there’s more. What is that?

Whatever “that” is, is “who” you really are.

We now live in a time that will draw out the core of who we truly are, beyond the superficial mirrors we are used to using to build the small groups we find safety in.

We live in a time where all of us share the same need for survival, the same need to beat a pandemic that threatens all of us, regardless of wealth, beauty, politics, religion, and place in society. Beyond whatever small community safety net we have built.

A grand mirror reflecting the soul of humanity is rising through this global trial, this pandemic, that will bring to bear the real nature of who we are, and who you are.

And this true being inside of you, inside of us, the engine that drives you, this thing, albeit a soul, or whatever you desire to label it, will manifest one of two things.

Selfishness…or love.

One yields safety, builds community, saves lives. It multiplies and empowers, and sometimes even creates love within others.

One yields fear, breaks community, and harms others. It multiplies and empowers, and sometimes even creates hate within others.

This grand mirror will enable future generations to explore human nature and will demonstrate who we truly are as a global community. And it’s the tiny, day to day actions of each of us as individuals that will build this grand mirror.

The default for each of us will be selfishness, due to our basic survival instinct. But the power behind the mirror, beyond your eyes, and beyond your insecurities, is more powerful than the default.

The body wishes only to survive, but the soul wishes to love. These two attributes represent the yin and yang of who we are.

Without survival, we cannot love, but survival can only be achieved through the community building and restorative power of love.

So as each of us looks into the mirror each day, and feels fear for our survival, for the survival of those we love, and for our particular small safe community, let's weigh our motives, acknowledge our fears, and consider the choices we have to make in the next few moments. Which ones are selfish, and which ones are loving?

Then, make your call, and build that mirror.



Pete Dudek

I’m a Software Engineering Manager, husband, father of 3, and a lifelong Ohioan longing to understand the universe. Opinions I share are my own.