Cryptocurrency: the antidote to Brexit

Pete Nelson
3 min readDec 18, 2017


Cryptocurrency is finally crossing into the mainstream consciousness after an incredible year of growth in 2017. Coinbase has become the number one app on the iOS app store as swathes of users sign up 100,000 at a time. New millionaires are being made every day as horrifically spammy Telegram groups shit out their motivational gifs like a tech company’s watercooler Slack channel. When your dentist asks which coin is the next one to run, that’s when you know this whole thing is going to blow.

This comes at a convenient time for the little people on our Brexit island whose whole economy is being batted backward and forwards by people who have no idea how far reaching the consequence of their economic plans are going to reach. This is a call to action to anyone who is concerned that our economy is going to at the best stagnate over the next 10 years: research and invest in Cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency has long been touted as freedom from governmental control of money. It’s outside the law and it’s outside of any jurisdiction. Governments can try to stop their citizens from using exchanges by legislation but any citizen can bypass limitations (even the Chinese) and start investing in cryptocurrency. The message is simple: if you don’t trust your government’s economic decisions then take matters into your own hands. This is the biggest opportunity to hit us since the dotcom boom, but unlike that bubble this is backed by huge investment firms moving their money into this new area. They want growth but they also want stability and safety and whilst Bitcoin grows and falls with no correlation to traditional news or markets it can offer this diversification.

We’ve messed up by choosing Brexit and it’s very likely our economy is going to suffer. Take control of your future and disregard the choice the government are making for you. Build a future for yourself and your family whilst it’s still the early days. The entire cryptocurrency market cap is only just over 500 billion dollars. This may sound a lot but there are investment funds with figures such as 4.8 Trillion under their control.

How do you do this? Start reading up on coins. Download Coinbase. Then sign up to Binance where you can discover some of the most exciting new coins coming out of Asia and beyond. Download Telegram and join some groups. This is not just about Bitcoin, that was just the start. Read up on Altcoins — for pretty much the first time this week they did not drop in price when Bitcoin shot up to almost $20k. Beyond the financial opportunities not a week goes by without my thinking that I’m witnessing some one of the most exciting revolutions in recent times. And almost none of it is being reported in mainstream media. Once it is we’ll see a huge upsurge.

Beware though, this is still the wild west and there are plenty of things you need to do to keep yourself safe. I‘ll try and put some tips together around this in the coming weeks.

I’ll state the obvious here: This is not investment advice. Investing in new markets is like gambling. Only invest what you can afford to lose.



Pete Nelson

@petetak. Previously co-founded @quickcast, @teammixture and @workfu. Music, crypto, product. Product work: Customer Success @lookback