100 #Ai Influencers Worth Following

Pete Trainor
12 min readAug 1, 2018


Over the last month or two, I’ve put my head together with the brilliant members of the BIMA Ai Think Tank, to bring you a list of the 100 people we think are shaping the conversation around Ai. For context, we’ve chose the people who are right at the coalface… working in it, debating it, researching it, and people who haven’t been afraid to start their own companies to drive the agenda of Ai forward. 53 amazing women, and 47 astonishing men… all trying to make the world a new place using this most divisive technology.

It’s also worth noting that some people will call out names of people who are notably absence from the list. We debated the merits of the list a lot, and removed some names because we felt they were either ‘negative’ influencers to the topic, or pop-scientists jumping on the band-wagon.

So here we go, in alphabetical order;

Adam Geitgey@ageitgey — Adam is a Software Engineer, consultant and writer of the Machine Learning is Fun blog. He also creates courses for Lynda.com.

Adelyn Zhou@adelynzhou — Adelyn is a recognized top influencer in marketing and artificial intelligence. She is a speaker, author and leader in the space.

Aimee van Wynsberghe@aimeevanrobot

Alex Champandard@alexjc

Alex Smola@smolix

Amber Osborne@missdestructo — Amber is the co-founder and CMO at Meshfire, an Ai-powered social media management platform. She was recently nominated as the 2nd most influential CMO on social media.

Andra Keay@RobotLaunch — Currently the MD of Silicon Valley Robotics, she plays a role within the core of the whole robotics sector as she is responsible for providing robots to the real world. Not to forget, Keay founded the global robotics start-up competition called “Robot Launch” and has also co-founded “Robot Garden hackerspace”.

Andrej Karpathy@karpathy

Andrew Ng@AndrewYNg

Angie Ma@ASIDataScience

Anne Currie@anne_e_currie

Ayşe Naz Erkan@naz_erkan — Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, Ayse Naz Erkan moved to the US in 2004 for a PhD in Computer Science at the Courant Institute of NYU. She researched deep learning applications for off-road autonomous robot navigation in Yann LeCun’s lab and studied semi-supervised learning at the Max Planck Institute For Biological Cybernetics before joining a tech startup as an early engineer.

Barb Darrow@gigabarb

Carol Reiley@robot_MD — Carol Reiley didn’t start programming until her first day of college as a freshman engineering major. Pitted against students who’d been coding since they were ten, she found the experience “tremendously intimidating” and “almost quit several times”. Luckily, she not only persisted but thrived, going on to pursue a master’s and PhD in Computer Science and Robotics at Johns Hopkins.

Caroline Higgins@Info_Data_Mgmt

Cathy O’Neil@mathbabedotorg

Chris Messina@chrismessina — An Ex-Googler and Ex-Uber alumni, Chris is very much into Chatbox and is a huge advocate of conversational commerce as the future of customer-facing communications.

CyberCode Twins@cybercodetwins — The CyberCode Twins are two twin sisters who are social entrepreneurs from East Los Angeles. They have secured huge positions in tech competitions and hackathons such as NASA’s International SpaceApps Challenge, HackForLA, IBM’s Global Mobile Innovators Challenge, AT&T Developer Summit and more. They focus on raising the safety of communities through the use of mobile and wearable in order to eliminate human trafficking.

Cynthia Breazeal@cynthiabreazeal — A world-renowned pioneer in social robotics, Cynthia Breazeal splits her time as an Associate Professor at MIT, where she received her PhD and founded the Personal Robots Group, and Founder and Chief Scientist of Jibo, a personal robotics company with over $85 million in funding.

Daphne Koller@DaphneKoller

David Ha@hardmaru

Deborah Berebichez@debbiebere

Demis Hassabis@demishassabis — Founder & CEO DeepMind the developers behind #AlphaGo, #AlphaZero & Atari DQN.

Devi Parikh@deviparikh — Devi Parikh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech and a Visiting Researcher at Facebook AI Research (FAIR). After receiving her masters and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon, she’s held multiple visiting positions at top research labs and won accolades such as the 2017 IJCAI Computers and Thought award, considered “the premier award for AI researchers under the age of 35”.

Devika Thapar@DeeThapar — Devika is the Chief Of Staff for IBM Watson Financial Services. Devika is also a thought leader, exploring the tensions between creativity, data, and Ai.

Dion Hinchcliffe@dhinchcliffe — Dion was recently ranked as the #2 influencer in the world on the subject of digital transformation in a data-based analysis by Onalytica as well as a top cloud industry influencer. Dion is also a top 10 influencer on the topic of machine-to-machine M2M.

Dr Maya Dillon@mayaversal

Dr Angelica Lim@petitegeek — Angelica has a PhD in AI, Robotics and Emotions. Her work focuses predominantly on the human side of robotics. She often wonders if robots could have emotions too.

Dr Fei-Fei Li @drfeifei — Prof (CS @Stanford), Director (Stanford AI Lab), Chief Scientist AI/ML (Google Cloud), CoFounder/Chair @ai4allorg, Researcher #AI #computervision #ML cogneuro

Dr Lucy Rogers@DrLucyRogers — Maker-in-chief of “Guild Of Makers” which basically aims at promoting the growth and establishment of the Maker Industry by aiding professional makers out there as well through encouraging excellence. Her career involves working and researching on Robot Dinosaurs as well as Rocket Science.

Eliezer Yudowski@ESYudkowsky

Enrico Coiera@enricocoiera

Eric Horvitz@erichorvitz — As Director of Microsoft Research Labs, Eric is always on the lookout for latest and greatest in tech. His current work focuses on how humans and intelligent machines can complement each other.

Fabio Moioli@fabiomoioli — Moioli is another influencer with a prestigious background and current standing in the off-Twitter world of artificial intelligence. As a consultant to Microsoft and Director of their Enterprise Services division for Microsoft Italy, Moioli brings his real-world experience to his Twitter timeline with frequent posts, both original and shared.

Gary Marcus@GaryMarcus — Scientist, best-selling author, and entrepreneur. Founder/CEO of Geometric Intelligence (acquired by Uber).

Gideon Rosenblatt@gideonro — Gideon strongly believes that machines intelligence is going to introduce us to a new form of intelligence we already have but didn’t realize. His account focuses on AI, technology, knowledge, mission, and the human soul.

Hilary Mason@hmason

Ian Goodfellow@goodfellow_ian

Immaculada Martinez@inma_martinez — Martinez is an AI pioneer who has played a massive role in personalizing mobile data services through the creation of unique AI systems. She currently works as a venture partner at a sci-tech accelerator “Deep Science Ventures” which is an investment by the Imperial College London. She has also acted as a significant advocate for women in the technology sector.

J.J. Kardwell@jjkardwell — Serial investor and the CEO as well as the co-founder of “EverString”, which uses AI to drive a platform for predictive marketing and analytics to the companies in order to aid them in identifying and engaging with topmost customer prospects. Before the foundation of EverString, he had also worked for The Walt Disney Company, McKinsey & Company, VC firm Summit Partners etc.

Jackie Hunter@benevolent_bio — Jackie Hunter has always been fascinated by big data’s potential to transform biotech but saw first-hand as a senior executive in R&D at GlaxoSmithKline how little of the data is actually mined to produce insights for better medicine. Now, as CEO of BenevolentBio, the bioscience arm of BenevolentAI, Hunter combines her extensive academic and industry experience to accelerate drug discovery and development with artificial intelligence.

Jan Le Cun@ylecun — Jan is head of the Ai Lab at Facebook and inventor of Convolutional Neural Networks

Jana Eggers@jeggers — Jana is CEO of Nara Logics, an artificial intelligence company focused on turning big data into smart actions. Jana is a proponent of marrying AI with business for better results.

Jane Wang@janexwang — The complex network dynamics of memory systems in the brain before moving into experimental cognitive neuroscience as a postdoc at Northwestern. Since joining DeepMind two years ago, her non-machine learning background has equipped her with a unique set of tools and perspectives for tackling the hardest AI problems. “It’s exhilarating to formulate theories of human brain function as powerful deep reinforcement learning models that can solve similarly complex tasks,” she shares.

Jeff Dean@JeffDean

Jeremy Howard@jeremyphoward

Joanna Bryson@j2bryson — Artificial & Natural Intelligence; Cognition, Culture, & Society; AI Ethics, Safety, & Policy.

Justin Doc Herman@JustinHerman — Justin sits on the White House’s National Science and Technology Council subcommittee on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is also into Blockchain, VR and social.

Kai-Fu Lee@kaifulee

Kara Swisher@karaswisher

Kate Crawford@katecrawford — Researching the social implications of AI. Co-founder @AINowInstitute at NYU | Principal Researcher MSR-NYC | Distinguished Research Professor NYU

Kate Darling@grok_ — Kate usually considers herself as “mistress of machines” because of her extreme interest and passion in the field of AI and Robotics. She currently serves as a research specialist at the MIT Media Lab. At the same time, she attends the Harvard Berkman Centre. Her idea of robots and technology links with humans and the society in general. She has preserved several writings, held specific tech talks and organized several workshops on the interesting developments in the human-robot sector.

Kirk D Borne@KirkDBorne

Latanya Sweeney@LatanyaSweeney — As a Professor of Government and Technology at Harvard and Director of Harvard’s Data Privacy Lab, Latanya Sweeney tackles challenges of security, privacy, and bias in personal data and machine learning algorithms. Sweeney’s research has exposed discrimination in online advertising, where internet searches of names “racially associated” with the black community are 25% more likely to yield sponsored ads suggesting that the person has a criminal record, regardless of the truth. Prior to her current role, Sweeney was CTO of the Federal Trade Commission. She completed her undergraduate studies in computer science at Harvard and was the first black woman to receive a PhD in Computer Science from MIT.

Lillian Pierson, PE@BigDataGal — Lillian is a Big Data proponent and the author of Data Science for Dummies.

Margaret Mitchell@mmitchell_ai — This artificial Intelligence researcher combines computer science, cognitive science, NLP and computer vision. A Senior Research Scientist at Google, Margaret often shares great information about human bias in machine learning.

Marie Desjardins@mariedj17 — Marie Desjardins has always been driven by broad, big-picture questions in AI rather than narrow technical applications. For her PhD dissertation at Berkeley, she worked on “goal-driven machine learning” where she designed methods an intelligent agent can use to figure out what and how to learn. As an Associate Dean and Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Desjardins has published over 120 scientific papers and won accolades for her teaching but is equally proud of work she’s done with graduate students on self-organization and trust in multiagent systems.

Mario Klingemann@quasimondo

Mariya Yao@thinkmariya

Mark Madsen@markmadsen

Martin Ford@mfordfuture — Martin Ford has established his bona fides in the Ai world partially by writing his New York Times best-selling book, Rise of the Robots. Clearly, it’s not low-tier science fiction, as Ford’s Twitter timeline makes it clear that he is very much in tune with the latest news regarding artificial intelligence. His frequent sharing of worthwhile stories and his original posts make him worthy of a follow.

Maxine Mackintosh@Maxi_Macki

Monica Rogati@mrogati

Monty Barlow ‪- @monty_b_

Nathan Benaich@NathanBenaich — Tech investor with expertise in AI, previously a Partner at Playfair Capital and research scientist at the University of Cambridge. Organizes the London AI meet up and the annual Research and Applied AI Summit.

Nick van Terheyden@drnic1

Nige Willson@nigewillson — Nige Willson manages to find and curate some of the most interesting and relevant A.I. content on Twitter. As a former Strategy Architect for Microsoft UK and currently a global strategist for the same company, Willson brings his experience with the tech giant to Twitter, highlighting content that matters for his nearly 39,000 followers.

Oliver Christie@OliverChristie — Artificial intelligence consultant and Futurist contributor Oliver Christie frequently posts stories that provide a unique perspective on what artificial intelligence means for society, such as how it has impacted the way employers approach their candidate-screening process. Plus, you know what they say about these AI consultants. Go ahead and add yourself to his 162,000 followers, it’ll be well worth your time.

Padmasree Warrior@Padmasree

Paul Roetzer@Paulroetzer — Paul asks questions that I thought were beyond the realm of conception, such as “Can we automate content creation using artificial intelligence? More specifically, can we use machines to write blog posts at scale?”.

Pedro Domingos@pmddomingos — Pedro is a computer science professor at UW and author of arguably the most comprehensive book on machine learning — The Master Algorithm.

Pragyansmita Nayak@SorishaPragyan — Pragyansmita is PhD and Research Engineer at Apogee Research LLC working on DARPA projects SoSITE and VET. She is also co-organizer of Nova data science meetup.

Prof. Arvind Narayanan@random_walker

Rachel Thomas@math_rachel — Since getting her PhD in Mathematics from Duke, Rachel Thomas has worked as a quant, data scientist & backend engineer at Uber and professor in University of San Francisco’s (USF) Masters of Analytics program. She’s currently a researcher-in-residence at USF’s Data Institute and co-founded Fast.ai which makes practical deep learning education accessible globally. Thomas’ students have leveraged their knowledge to reduce farmer suicides in India, assist the visually impaired, and treat Parkinson’s disease.

Rama Akkiraju@rama_akkiraju — Very few earn the title of “Distinguished Engineer and Master Inventor” at IBM, but Rama Akkiraju’s contributions warrant the distinction. She leads the mission of “People Insights” at IBM Watson and develops technologies that infer personalities, emotions, tone, attitudes, and intentions from social media data using linguistic and machine learning techniques. Akkiraju helmed the teams responsible for many of Watson cognitive services, including Tone Analyzer.

Rana el Kaliouby@kaliouby — The field of AI has traditionally been focused on computational intelligence, not on social or emotional intelligence,” explains Rana el Kaliouby. “Yet being deficient in emotional intelligence (EQ) can be a great disadvantage in society.

Rob Kitchen@RobKitchin

Ronald Van Loon ‪- @Ronald_vanLoon

Samim Winiger@samim

Sandy Carter@sandy_carter

Satya Mallick @LearnOpenCV — Mallick is a PhD from the University of California San Diego. His best description can sum him up as more of an entrepreneur who digs into computer vision and machine learning fields. Mallick is the co-founder of “TAAZ Inc.” focusing on computer vision and applies its workings on issues and problems that arise in the beauty and fashion sector. The company has also succeeded in ensuring its scalability of the computer vision it provides along with all the machine learning algorithms through tests which were taken by over 1 million users and proved successful. He worked in collaboration with “Scripps Research Institute” to resolve an issue in Cryo-Electron Microscopy that makes a proportion of 3D reconstruction pipeline.

Shubha Nabar@shubhanabar — Since receiving her PhD in Computer Science from Stanford, Shubha Nabar has built data products and data science teams at Microsoft, LinkedIn, and now Salesforce. As a senior director of data science on Einstein, she and her team make AI accessible to business users by infusing intelligent functionality across all Salesforce products.

Soumith Chintala @soumithchintala — Soumith is a computer vision and machine learning research engineer at Facebook. He has written papers on Pedestrian Detection and Sentiment Analysis.

Suchi Saria@suchisaria — Vast amounts of health information are collected digitally, yet largely underutilized for extracting insights to improve healthcare. Suchi Saria, Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University, believes computational modelling of data from sensor platforms and electronic medical records presents “a tremendous opportunity for high impact work.”

Susan Etlinger — @setlinger

Sven Philipsen@svenphilipsen — Sven Philipsen founded and serves as CEO of Eachthing.com, and his aggregation expertise shines through on his timeline. While knowledgeable in a variety of tech topics, his eye for newsworthy A.I.-related stories is clear. He’s a young, in-the-know techie who is worth a follow for anybody looking to become more well-read or up-to-date when it comes to their arsenal of A.I. tidbits.

Tamara McCleary@TamaraMcCleary

Taryn Southern@TarynSouthern

Tessa Lau@tessalau — Lau is a Computer Science PhD from the University of Washington. She is currently the acting Chief Robot Whisperer at “Savioke, Inc.” Her focus is on improving the lives of others through building relevant machines and systems. Therefore she uses her machine learning skills along with the principles of human-computer interaction to establish and build up user-based systems. Savioke, which is mentioned earlier basically has been aiming to create robots that will improve the service industry

Theodora Lau@psb_dc

Tom M. Mitchell@tommmitchell

Wen Dombrowski @healthcarewen

Xiao-Feng Xie@xfxie — Xiao-Feng is the co-founder of Wiomax, a startup focused on creating a smart and scalable solution for IoT, Transportation, AI and Big Data.

Zeynep Tufekci@zeynep

Huge thanks to Anne J Simmons and the team at Thoughtworks, Lydia Gregory, Luba Elliott, Phil Harvey, Charlie Moloney, and the team at Us Ai for helping pull this list together!



Pete Trainor

Husband. Dad. Author. Human-Focused Designer. Data-Driven Technologist and Ai Consultant. Mens Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Campaigner. Just a human.