How to Care for a Puppy: Essential Puppy Care Tips

Pet Food Reviews
3 min readDec 8, 2022


What could be more exciting than bringing a new puppy home? The small woofs, skipping around the house, and the limitless energy and sheer joy these creatures bring to any home are unmatched.

But it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Puppy care is no walk in the park. As energetic as they are, they are also very delicate, meaning you’ll need a lot of patience, love, and work to ensure that your puppy stays happy and healthy.

We at Pet Food Reviews are always looking to help out new (or seasoned) dog parents in the art of pet care. So, whether you’re getting home your first puppy or already have a kennel full of them, here’s a primer (or refresher) course on taking care of your puppy.

puppy care — Pet food reviews

Puppy-Proof Your Home

Even though your home may seem safe to you, there might be hazards lurking around the corners that can harm your precious fur-ball. So, before you bring them home, make sure the landscape is secure and welcoming for your small furry friend.

To understand this aspect of puppy care, you’ll need to go down to the eye level of a puppy. This will help you understand any electrical wires, toxins, or sharp furniture corners your puppy can bump into.

If certain rooms in your home particularly pose a minefield for your puppy, it’s best to install puppy gates to keep these curious canines out of any trouble.

Choose Your Puppy’s Diet Carefully

What your puppy eats in those initial years can make all the difference when it comes to its future well-being. There are several one-size-fits-all dog foods in the market that can provide your puppy with the essential nutrients.

But do you want to give your puppy a run-of-the-mill treatment? Well, none of us want to. And the pampering starts with the right food. To that end, talk to your vet before you even start shopping around for foods dogs can eat.

In this increasingly dog-friendly world, brands have sprung up all over the place, bringing limitless dog food options to the table. Therefore, if one food doesn’t agree with your pup, you always have ten other alternatives that you can try.

Moreover, you could even veer away from readymade dog food paths and choose natural diets or homemade/raw preparations. Again, it’s advised that you have a chat with your vet before going for either of these options.

Lastly, if you’re someone who’s going to stick to the readymade preparations, consider all the ingredients, nutrients, and most importantly the taste of the food. Because however nourishing it may be, your pup won’t put anything in its mouth that doesn’t tingle the right tastebuds.

Also Read: 8 Best Dry Dog Food Brands

Training Your Puppy

This can be the most exciting facet of puppy care, as you not only make your furball more sociable and properly behaved but also get time to bond with it and get close to it.

Training includes a lot of activities, including everything from socialization to leash training. But first, start with home training activities, the foremost of which is potty training, as you wouldn’t want to tip-toe around piles of doo-doo. Some basic commands with the promise of a treat can also help you keep some behavioral problems at bay.

Given their curiosity, activeness, and teething, puppies take anything in their mouth, which makes it a worrying prospect. That’s why get your puppy something safe and soft to chew on. Not only will it prevent an injury, but also help their teeth to develop optimally.

As your go to pet food advisor, tune into our blog series today to know more about puppy and dog care.

Wrapping Up

With these tried-and-tested tips in mind, you can give your pet the best puppy care, the kind sweethearts like them deserve.

