Stranded — Day 1

A Survivor’s Diary of Ethan Brooks

Petr Sobotka
Readers Hope


Stranded — A Survivor’s Diary of Ethan Brooks | Image Generated with Gencraft

This is a fictional story recorded as the daily diary of a lone survivor. Any similarities to real-world places, names, or events are purely coincidental.

Day 1

So here I am. It was a rough and totally crazy day, but the most important thing is that I am still breathing.

It was a really bad idea to sail through that storm, but who could expect it to be so extreme?

Well, I would bet that it was the fault of the captain and the crew, but how can I judge when I’m not a sailor myself?

And maybe it wasn’t their fault at all; maybe it’s standard procedure to go through storms rather than around them.

But perhaps it’s recommended not to walk on the deck in such weather, especially when you’re traveling on the ship as something other than a legitimate passenger and no one would miss you if a large wave washed you overboard directly into the sea.

And that was my fault, I guess.

Luckily, the storm was gone almost as fast as it came, and the waters around here weren’t that cold.

But even though I am kind of good at swimming, I knew that falling into these waters would probably be the last dumb thing I’d ever do.



Petr Sobotka
Readers Hope

Data Analyst and Basketball Coach, Dreamer and Writer, Fantasy and Crime books lover. Father and Loving Husband. Simply me.