The Team Behind the Machine, part 1

Petra Rich
3 min readJan 9, 2019


We’ve introduced you to our platform and our mission, but now it’s time for you to meet the team that makes it all possible. This series will introduce you to the passionate individuals who are working to bring you more representation in your jurisdiction.

Hi everyone, I’m Petra (PEE-truh)! I am responsible for most of what you see on the regular with Voterfied. I manage our social media and write our blogs as well as doing some sales/marketing. As a 22-year-old, fresh out of college, finding a home at Voterfied was heaven sent for me.

After graduating from Old Dominion University, I packed up and left my southern roots behind for the California sun. Moving across the country was definitely a scary thought at first but I’m glad I did it! If I had let fear keep me in Virginia, I never would’ve grown the ways that I have since moving to San Diego.

I am a firm believer that to be successful you have to take chances even when success isn’t guaranteed!

· How did you get involved with Voterfied?

Before moving to San Diego, I did what anyone would do and took to Indeed so that I could find a job. Originally, I came into the office for another project Voterfied COO, Lee Ann Allman, was working on. After a month or so, I was fortunate enough to be pulled onto the Voterfied as well.

· Why are you passionate about the work you do?

Our political system is ancient and broken. As a millennial myself, I want to see more people my age getting involved and Voterfied is the perfect way for them to do that and for it to actually mean something. We post on social media and keep up with the hashtags but doing anything more often seems unattainable or pointless. Voterfied is easy, effective and it gives a sense of security knowing that there is public data of what people want to hold politicians accountable.

· What are your hobbies outside of work?

When I’m not researching the latest trends and hashtags, I really just enjoy living. I know that sounds weird but let me explain, lol. I feel like so many people get so wrapped up in their work lives and get trapped in a mundane routine where they never get to truly live or experience life. I make it a priority to spend time outside, travel, try new things and never get bored or complacent with life.

· What’s your favorite thing about living in San Diego?

Other than the weather, I’d have to say the opportunities. There is always something going on here and you never know when you’ll meet someone or try something that will change your life. It’s honestly hard to get bored here no matter what you’re into, there’s something for everyone!

· If you could live anywhere else, where would it be and why?

I’d love to run away to anywhere in the Caribbean, particularly Costa Rica, and hide off in a little beach bungalow to write books for the rest of my life, but I don’t think that would be completely fulfilling. My family has roots all throughout the Caribbean and I love the culture & food of the countries and islands there. However, when I reach a point in life where running off to the Caribbean is feasible, I want to give back and change people’s lives. So maybe I’ll move there and open new schools in the rural areas or start activist movements and just write books in my spare time.

· What has been the most rewarding thing in your life and why?

Like most people, I’ve been through struggles. I’ve had internal struggles, struggles with friends and family, in relationships and at work. However, my struggles made me strong. They drove me to get out of certain situations or push myself to be better and do better. I view my struggles as the most rewarding parts of my life because without them I wouldn’t have grown. I wouldn’t have the knowledge, empathy, passion or compassion that I have today.

Stay tuned for more in our “The Team Behind the Machine” series!



Petra Rich

After graduating from Old Dominion University with a Bachelors in Communications and Journalism, I got lucky and found Voterfied.