Thesis proposal

Structure and items to include

Petri Helo
1 min readMar 12, 2014


- Working title of the thesis
- Contact names: * Your name, email, phone * Company contact person name, email, phone * Supervisor name, email, phone
- Date and version numer of the document


- Introduce the purpose of the thesis work and give some background for the work. Justify why it is important.


- Narrow down the scope, what you are going to do and what parts you exclude from the thesis document.


- List 5-8 tasks that you are going to do during the thesis work and what you are going to deliver.


- Start date, planned finish date
- Any other important milestones


- Are you working daily in a company and write your thesis evening time and weekends? Just shortly what you have agreed with your company.



Petri Helo

Professor of Industrial Management, Logistics Systems at University of Vaasa, Finland. #SupplyChain