Trenton History

Adam Petrillo
2 min readSep 15, 2016


The City of Trenton; the capital of the United States state of New Jersey and the county seat of Mercer County, built on the Patomoc River. Trenton, New Jersey is a well-known historical landmark because it is the location in which George Washington, during the War for Independence crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, in 1776 and victoriously won the battle over the Redcoats resulting in nine hundred Hessian soldiers captured. Exciting to say, fleetingly after the war, Trenton was granted the prestigious honor of serving as the capital of the United States of America between November and December in 1784. After, representatives all met in Trenton, New Jersey and unanimously approved the new Constitution of the Untied States.

Battle of Trenton

“Trenton Makes, the World Takes”, is Trenton’s slogan since the 1900s. This slogan was placed on the Lower Free Bridge, which later became known as the “Trenton Makes Bridge.” Trenton has this slogan because during the 1800s and early 1900s, Trenton was a main manufacturing center for America. Materials such as steel, wire, rubber, linoleum, rope, and ceramics were all produced in Trenton at the time.

Trenton Makes Bridge

The city of Trenton shares it significance during the Civil War and Revolutionary War through showcasing its past in museums such as the Trenton City Museum, National Guard Militia Museum, the New Jersey State Museum, and the Old Barracks Museum. Now, this is where the design aspect comes into play. There so many directors of art that contributes in displaying Trenton as a historical, yet enjoyable landmark. A great touch to The State Museum is its planetarium that motions pictures taken via Hubble Telescope. For people all around, a planetarium is a fun way to learn about life but, it also introduces a new way to express ideas, through interactive media.


