Save your Coronavirus stories for the future

Petronella Simonsbacka
1 min readMar 18, 2020


PRESS IMAGE: Karolina Kristensson/Nordiska museet

The Nordic Museum in Stockholm is gathering Coronavirus stories for the future.

– A museum is always in movement. Future history is written all the time so of course we document important occurrences in society, says Sanne Houby-Nielsen, at the the Nordic Museum that was founded in 1873.

Written stories and photos will become part of the museums collection and will be of interest for researchers. The four questions that the museum wants answered are:

  1. How has your every day life changed?
  2. How has your behavior changed?
  3. What is your opinion about the situation?
  4. How do you view the future?

The Nordic Museum documents life in the Nordic countries Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland. Surely other museums in other countries will also want to document life during the Coronavirus epidemic of 2020, so consider writing your experiences down.

If you have a story to share you that you think will be of interest for the Nordic Museum you can share it here:

Petronella Simonsbacka



Petronella Simonsbacka

Journalist, novelist, cancer survivor, explorer of life and a secret sucker for all things sudoku.