Siberian Husky — Information, Energy Level, Health, and Interesting Facts

Pet Seller
4 min readNov 11, 2019


Huskies are highly energetic working dogs. They are loyal and good-natured dogs who have a genuine love for life and lots of people want them as a pet. In this article, we are sharing some points which will help you in taking care of them.

Socialization: Socialization helps your husky to become a confident and well-mannered dog. Expose your husky to an outer environment where it will learn how to interact with other dogs, people, and sites. Puppy kindergarten classes are a great way to teach your husky puppy how to interact with other dogs. Enroll them in a puppy kindergarten class when they are 4 to 5 months old. Taking your puppy to a park is another good way to expose it to different peoples, lights, and sounds. Observe your puppy as you explore them to a new world, If they appear frightened or worried about certain experiences do not continue to expose them to those situations.

Huskies were originally bred to survive on a small amount of food. Your husky may need more or less food depending upon certain factors such as size, age, and health status. If you have a husky puppy begin feeding her three times a day early morning, early afternoon, and evening. When they are three to four months old cut their meal to two times a day. Human food and canned food may cause your husky to develop diarrhea. To avoid such conditions, exercise them for at least 90 minutes after eating.

Obedience classes: By nature Huskies are very independent and intelligent dogs. However, they can also be stubborn to begin training your husky at a young age. Obedience classes are ideal for training your husky. Enroll your husky in a junior obedience class when they are 4 months old and follow up with adult training until around 12 months. This is very important for a husky puppy crate training will make the house training process much easier for your puppy husky will never eliminate in an area where she sleeps. Crate also provides them a safe place to lay around and take some rest. You should remember that crate is not a place of punishment sending them to create when they misbehave may cause you're husky to develop a negative association with the crate. Huskies are pack animals and expect to have a leader of the pack. Your Huskies should see you as her leader. A good way to establish your leadership is to make your husky wait for you to eat by controlling when they eat. Your husky will see you as the sole source of their food and thus as a leader another way to establish your leadership is to lead them during walks by taking the lead. You are confidently showing them that they have to follow you. Do not establish your leadership through bullying or hitting your dog. Your husky is unlikely to trust and respect you as her leader. If you try to establish your leadership through physical intimidation. Huskies are working dogs having their origin in Siberia where they pulled heavy slides over a long distances. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Huskies require daily vigorous exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes. Long walks are a great way to exercise your husky, playing fetch and going hiking with your husky or other good ways to exercise. If you live by the water you can take your husky for swimming which will exercise her muscles effectively. Huskies are master escapers if you let your husky exercise in the backyard prevent your escape by enclosing a yard with a six-foot fenced yard has your fence sunk at least several inches inside. The ground you could even place concrete or strong mesh wiring at the base of the fence to prevent digging. If your husky has managed to dig some holes you can fill them with cinder blocks to discourage further. Digging always supervise your husky when she is out in the yard. Huskies are very social animals. Your husky would love to have another dog with them whom they can play and exercise. An ideal playmate would be a dog that is about the same size as your husky. Allow your husky to meet other dogs so that they can choose a playmate. Your husky is very intelligent and will need mental stimulation to keep yourself entertained. Kong toys are especially good for Huskies. These toys mentally challenged your husky to figure out how to get the food out. Fill the Kong toy with favorite treats of your husky other than toys teach your husky various tricks playing dead, playing fetch will give them plenty of mental stimulation. By Nature Huskies are very clean dogs and they groom themselves frequently. However, Huskies do shed a lot during spring and fall brush your husky with a slicker brush at least once a week. To remove dead hair and keep their coat fresh and shining do not shave your Huskies coat in the summer. Because that will expose them to the ultraviolet rays of Sun. Since Huskies do an excellent job of keeping themselves clean so they need baths occasionally. If you aren’t able to bathe your husky on your own take them to a dog groomer. It is not only pure breed husky but mixes breed husky puppies are popular in North America. Like Husky, The Beagle Husky mix is well known for his loving and friendly, never-can-die attitude, who displays keen endurance and intelligence. The Siberian & Beagle mix dog, also known as the Belski. The hybrid is quite unique and rare therefore, it might be hard to know how exactly Beaski will be. Like any other types of beagle mix, the traits of this hybrid can be predicted from the study of both parent's breed. It is a medium-sized dog that usually has floppy ears and some have the marking of a Siberian husky. The breed looks very adorable with its dark nose and almond-shaped eyes that give them a very alert look. In short, the Beaski is an adorable dog to own. It is energetic, social and very friendly. It also the best choice for first-time dog owners.

