Fila Brasileiro | Information & Dog Breed Facts | Pets Feed

Pets Feed
4 min readDec 8, 2019


The Fila Brasileiro or Brazilian Mastiff is a large and powerful dog, which is used in his home country as a guardian of property, hunter of large prey and protector of livestock. When slavery was legal in Brazil, it was also used to capture escaped slaves.

Males have a height of 75 to 80 cm and a minimum weight of 50 kg, however, females measure between 65 and 70 cm and weigh a minimum of 40 kg.

The rump is higher than the cross. The tail is wide, of medium insertion and must not curl or fall on the dog’s back. The head is well proportioned to the body. The muzzle is strong, broad and prominent. The eyes are of medium or large size, almond-shaped and well separated from each other. Its color varies from yellow to brown. The ears are suspended, thick, large and V-shaped.

The Fila Brasileiro has the instinct of protection towards its highly developed properties and properties, and is also very loyal and helpful with its human owners.

Its physical characteristics make it an energetic and robust dog, but that does not mean it does not need affection and like all pets.

Origin of the Fila Brasileiro

Due to the need for the first settlers in Brazil to have an energetic and strong working dog, the Fila Brasileiro appeared. The earliest historical records of this breed of dogs date back to 1671, but the specific origins of Fila Brasileiro are unknown. Nevertheless, everyone agrees that they emerged through the crossing of 3 different breeds of dogs: old dogs of prey or bulldogs, English mastiffs and bloodhounds. Although it is also believed that the third row also participated in this breed cross and from there was born the current Fila Brasileiro breed.

Among the old Bulldogs like the engelsen doggen, the Fila Brasileiro dogs have inherited their raised ears, fur colors and a higher cross rump, as well as a stubborn and aggressive temperament. In exchange for the old English Mastiffs, these dogs have inherited their size and stoutness, with a broad and solid head, a short neck and a curved rump. And the Fila Brasileiro has inherited the Bloodhounds their magnificent abilities of dogs of tracking, as well as their most remarkable physical characteristics for that, such as the lips and the jowls suspended, the drooping lips or the loose skin.

The first official breed standard was drafted in 1968 and since then some have been used as show dogs. In 1982, Fila Brasileiro became considered the most popular dog breed in Brazil. Currently, this dog can be seen as a show dog but mostly as a pet.

Character of Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is a dog with a complex temperament. It is faithful, friendly, patient and kind to its family, but suspicious, hostile and even aggressive towards strangers. That’s why good socialization is very important in this breed.

Even when it has been well socialized and well trained since its youth, this dog tends to be reserved and careful with strangers. It is the duty of the owner to take the necessary measures when it takes his dog on a walk or when he receives visitors. On the other hand, the Fila Brasileiro is a pure tenderness and patience for its family. It does wonders with the kids in the family and is a great companion for adults.

Fila Brasileiro health

Fila Brasileiro is generally a healthy dog, but because of its size, it tends to suffer from hip dysplasia and gastric torsion like most large dog breeds.

Nevertheless, it is convenient to take the dog to a good veterinarian and put all the relevant vaccines according to the vaccination schedule in order to stay healthy and strong. In addition, it is necessary to protect it from certain external parasites of the skin such as fleas and ticks, so it is advisable to examine it frequently to check if it has and take the appropriate measures.

Although it is not an extremely active dog, the Fila Brasileiro needs long walks and exercise sessions. Its main behavior problem is aggression towards foreigners. However, it is a characteristic of the breed.

This dog needs moderate exercise to spend all the energy it has. A good dose of mental exercise with some home intelligence games will help the Fila Brasileiro to be more attentive and happier.

This breed does not adapt to living in apartments or living in densely populated cities because of their size and character, so the Fila Brasileiro lives better in houses with large gardens in quiet neighborhoods or in rural properties.

Fila Brasileiro grooming

The care of the hair is simple. Having short and dense hairs, a weekly brushing is enough to keep them in good condition. It is not necessary to bathe this dog very often, but only when it is really dirty and in need of it.

Originally published at on December 8, 2019.

