Hovawart Information & Dog Breed Facts

Pets Feed
2 min readOct 1, 2019


The Hovawart is a large, strong dog, with medium / long hair and sometimes longer. The adult males measure 63–70 cm and weigh 30–40 kg and the females measure 58–65 cm and weigh 25–35 kg. The fur, resistant to inclement weather, is presented in black, blond or black and gold.


This German breed was raised to protect cattle, farms and even castles in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, the Hovawart race became extinct, but it was recreated by Dr. Koning, a zoologist, after World War I. He found dogs similar to Hovawart in the areas of Harz and the Black Forest, where the breed originated, and crossed them with German shepherds, Hungarian Kuvasz, Newfoundland, Leonberger and other similar breeds until a dog similar to the one shown in the drawings.


The hovawart is a safe, brave and versatile dog, who behaves like a faithful and dedicated companion. He has a strong guardian instinct and is very protective of his home and family, so early socialization is essential, although tolerant and peaceful in general.


Like many other breeds, hovawart can suffer from hip dysplasia (a disorder that can cause mobility problems). Therefore, it is important an examination of the hip of the dogs before dedicating them to the breeding. The breed may suffer with some frequency hypothyroidism (slow functioning of the thyroid gland).


The hovawart is a large and energetic dog that needs two hours of exercise a day, or even more. He loves long walks, tracking and also gets excellent results in work tests and obedience.


Dogs of large breeds, in addition to having a great appetite, require a different nutrient balance, including minerals and vitamins, than smaller dogs.


The lower mantle is sparse and has a moderately long and thick upper mantle. The hair is thicker in the chest, in the abdomen, in the back of the legs and in the tail. The coat needs attention two or three times a week to keep itself tangle free.

Originally published at https://en.chatsichiens.com on October 1, 2019.

