7 Simple Steps To Start An At-Home Yoga Routine

Learn how this simple routine helped me lose over 60+ pounds.

Peyton Henderson
4 min readFeb 8, 2024

I’ve been practicing yoga for about seven years. I first started practicing yoga back in 2017.

I was overweight, weighing in at almost 200 pounds, and I couldn’t do one pushup or touch my toes.

I thought having a toned flexible body was all genetics.

Since starting yoga, I have lost 60 pounds and am stronger and more flexible than ever.

How I’ve lost 60+ pounds doing yoga

1. Find Your Yoga Spot

When starting an at-home yoga routine, the first thing you want to do is find a quiet place where you can consistently practice yoga.

This can be in the corner of your bedroom, in your living room, outside, or next to a window.

One of my favorite places to practice my at-home yoga routine is by the window in my bedroom.

I love being able to look outside at the ocean and mountains, it makes my yoga practice even more enjoyable and peaceful.

