Why does Your life feel Dull and Empty?

Singh Bhai
7 min readJul 25, 2023
Chair sitting in front of a white wall in a room.
Photo by Paula Schmidt

Have you ever felt like something is missing? Like there’s a hole inside you that can’t be filled no matter how much you achieve or acquire? Most of us experience this feeling from time to time — a sense that life is dull, flat, and devoid of meaning.

We all want to live a life that feels fulfilling. One where we wake up feeling excited and go to bed feeling content. But for many people, daily life is far from that vision. Instead, we trudge through monotonous routines without a sense of passion or purpose. Activities that used to bring joy feel stale. Relationships lack depth and intimacy. No matter how much we attain, there’s an undeniable emptiness gnawing from within.

Reasons Life Can Feel Empty

Life feeling dull, flat, and empty is a common experience. Though the specific causes vary for each person, there are some general themes that tend to emerge. By understanding the potential roots of emptiness, we can begin to cultivate more meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

Not Having a Sense of Purpose or Meaning

One of the biggest reasons life can start to feel empty is a lack of purpose or meaning. Purpose refers to having a sense of direction, vision, and meaning for your life. It’s knowing not just what you want to accomplish but…



Singh Bhai

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