Panos Georgolios
2 min readJan 10, 2022


Democratizing the access to capital is a major challenge for all Defi communities and many bets have been taken related to alternative financing.

But which capital markets are forgotten by current financiers and money executives and still consist a financial context that would provide an asset-backed financing business with unlimited potential without significant risk and maximum downside protection?

Shipping, Oil and Maritime being trillion dollar industries but still old-fashioned and obsolete lie in the core of an impending fintech change. A change that materializes all values, guidelines and challenges of the crypto community can actually happen in the shipping industry the years to come.

Out of all sub-markets of the shipping ecosystem oil exchange and bunker fuel trading is the most crucial cost parameter to a ship trip just as the gas is to a car excursion and offers the utmost protection. This is because under US law all bunkering services and procurements are on the same level with wages in case of default .

In shipping language , a super senior claim

Being super senior claims all financing requests backed by invoices related to bunker fuels offer the starting market of the NEXM ecosystem, a gift to an industry. ripe for tokenization.

And what is the only thing best to making money when we talk multi million dollar transactions? This is not losing money. In other words as one of the greek shipping moguls used to say “Only thing I like more than making money is not losing money”

With a simple tokenomics model redirecting minimum 80% of all funds raised through tokenization , a modified Proof of Stake algorithm that can allow staking of crypto in a new form of leverage. and the ability to burn used utility tokens NEXM protocol and the NEXM token, seem to be very well placed to become the dominant environment in the setting up of a complete ecosystem, ready to signal a new era of change in the industry of shipping.

All cost parameters can be much more efficiently and transparantely managed though the NEXM blockchain. All transactions started from protected bunker fuels, to the more risky ones like parts trading, port services, crew services, all the way to ship acquisition loans and cargo trading pinpoint a trillion dollar system with a huge and growing need for easy payment systems, trust algorithms and digital innovation.

With a limited number of issued tokens , only 5 Billion, and a tokenomics model implemented by the related protocol NEXM seems promising as a pioneer evangelist technology and basic digital currency. in a trillion dollar industry, driven by a hunger to adopt easier, more transparent and trustworthy business dealing mechanisms.

Payments from Hong Kong to Mauritius, Greece to Brazil, USA to Nigeria in all currencies and all jurisdictions made easy, trade of oil, bunkers, ships , services from one point to another will be there with the help of NEXM making the oceans somehow more peaceful and trading less disputable.

This is an exciting journey towards a safe harbor expecting all of us to onboard. Be part of this change

Panos Georgolios

CoFounder of NEXUM, Panos holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. A serial entrepreneur and blockchain enthusiast, Panos has co-founded numerous tech businesses