Guybrush Threepwood

Panos Georgolios
4 min readMar 27, 2022


Guybrush Threepwood

Guybrush Threepwood

Guybrush was a child hero to many of us. There is still a lot of admiration for the inventor of this name between us, n’est-ce pas?

Monkey Island was the first full blown successful game of the category that we used to call Adventure Games and it was about keeping Guybrush alive in a fantastic island somewhere in the Carribean. We used money to buy the game but within the game the only thing that mattered was the local currency of the Island , Pieces Of Eight.

So what’s the difference? What’s the differene of the currency in real life and in the game? Money is about consensus and agreements in the specific context.

The essence of currency is trust and utility. And this is NEXUM

U.S Dollar has utility as it is usable in the United States Of America and although it has more or less similar utility to an equally large area like the Turkish lira , it is considered to be much more valuable. The reason is it’s adopted by a sovereign economy where the American nation seems to show more trust into their system rather than the people of Turkey.

Its also further empowered by the international trade adoption and of course the power it has to establish legal enforcement, wars and international affairs status quo influence.

As a result a whole ecosystem including loans, colalterals, derivatives and more loans directly linked to the needs and desires of everyday people follow ours and every nation currency in the modern economy.

Trust and Utility is the game also in the cryptocurrencies .

Only they come with a huge strategic advantage.

BITCOIN will never finance a war against Ethereum.

It won’t finance corruption, unnecessary legal frameworks, or it wont take financial decisions based on majority .

People may have been or even still get scammed , but even in these transactions, there is a form of justice deriving of personal or atomic responsibility , no excuses and no complains can be used by those who have not done their research in full detail.

And it is by all means blockchain technology is the game changer

Utility is a no brainer in NEXM.

The first blockchain technology to adopt the NEXM token , actually opens the gate to a financial toolset for the shipping industry , the oil transactions and the blue investments. Shipping brokers, shipyards, shipping managers and oil traders among others will all have unprecedented scalability and efficiency into their transactions.

Trust is what we are working on, we know we deserve it and focus on how to fully acquire it

A stellar team of the best people in the globe coming form technology, finance, insurance, shipping and the global financial elite works together silently and effortlessly under a tight plan . And the team wins the trust game day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, heart beat by heart beat in people throughout the Globe, from the Arabic countries to the USA and from Europe to Polynesia.

The weeks to come NEXM will unfold a fiscal revolution.

· Partnership with the first neobank that has developed a regulated, comprehensive business model incorporating both the conventional fiat banking and blockchain-based financial services into one integrated, simple and compliant environment to allow the generation of the first DeFI protocol of the Main Street of finance and not based on derivatives trading and secondary products

· Specification and launch of the NEXM DeFI protocol that will be the first to securitize hard assets in the highly liquid market of shipping by leveraging a breakthrough AI Algorithm that will allow commercial banking transactions done through the Defi

· A plethora of financial institutions announcing their attachment to NEXM DeFi protocol willing to finance more and more sectors and verticals of the global economy

· Shipping conglomerates, Oil moguls and Petroleum Corporations that will make use of the NEXM blockchain, the DeFi protocol and will add into NEXM ecosystem pertaining its power and creating an unprecedented potential for the NEXM token

In the same time NEXUM ecosystem will see

o NEXUM Corporation announcing and showcasing first financial transactions purely executed on the NEXM blockchain on utility offered by the NEXM token.

o Dynastic family offices of seasoned Venture Capitalists in New England, the UAE and Crypto funds taking equity position in the NEXUM Platform allowing the disbursement of capital fiat and crypto directly into shipping transactions

And in tandem

o New listings in some of the biggest and more prestigious cryptocurrency exchanges together with an unbiased legal opinion evidently showing that NEXM is a utility token

Just make sure you are ready for take off , the best is yet to come



Panos Georgolios

CoFounder of NEXUM, Panos holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. A serial entrepreneur and blockchain enthusiast, Panos has co-founded numerous tech businesses