NEXUM story


Panos Georgolios
2 min readJan 4, 2022

Story of NEXUM starts in 2019 just a week before some of the incidents that life decides without asking, but still sounded like a good idea disrupting one of the most obsolete and old fashioned industries in the world, the shipping and oil business.

Just a few years ago in the Valley and the other technological marketplaces people used to say data is the new oil , but what about data related to the oil financing?

That seemed like a great opportunity and it took us almost 2 years to think, design and implement a state of the art technology oto allow bunker and oil traders to access financing and working capital in a way that was immediate, transparent and highly scalable totally innovative for the shipping world. In a 250Bn dollar market , a super senior claim such as a bunker fuel delivery note and invoice where maturities were always kept under 45 days and money was churning 8–12 times a year , new ways of side financing had to occur.

Banks were already broken a few years before the crypto era but especially after 2017 , trading companies with no underlying assets , would not get practically any access to banking financing especially when invoices mature in 20–25 days. A technology that would automate approval of financing and disbursement of the payment would be a game changer in the bunker fuel industry but also in the whole of the shipping world as we know it.

And nothing is more powerful than an idea which time has come.

Still though, after building a great technological platform based on AWS, the challenge was the access to the appropriate funding in order this technology platform to materialize in a true game changing technology in the shipping world. DeFi is not only the solution for this but also for most of the truly disruptive businesses for the next 30 years.

We partnered with the NEXUM foundation who is finally generating NEXM Coin, legacy of the NEXUM Foundation’s aim to promote changes in shipping financing bringing transparency, scalability and rationality to a huge opaque industry with hundred of billions of cross border payments and hefty money transactions. The foundation is planning to list NEXM token in all the major exchanges in the first semester of 2022, and with 80% of proceeds going to fully secured, super senior financing token price covering a 250 Bn industry with just 5 Bn tokens.

Through a really global team of people from the UAE to the USA and from Europe to Australia and China , the NEXUM community grows everyday and becomes stronger and more disruptive as the token reaches most of the big exchanges in the months to come. Join us in this journey of growth , innovation and technological excellence



Panos Georgolios

CoFounder of NEXUM, Panos holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. A serial entrepreneur and blockchain enthusiast, Panos has co-founded numerous tech businesses