Quart; an ASGI alternative to Flask

EuroPython 2018 Talk

Philip Jones
1 min readAug 4, 2018

I was happily a late addition to EuroPython schedule in Edinburgh about how ASGI is a viable alternative to WSGI and how Quart is a viable ASGI alternative to Flask. The talk itself is on youtube (linked below) and I’ve made the slides available via google slides (also linked below).


Flask is a great web micro-framework, that is best utilised with event-loop concurrency. Sadly with Flask the event-loop framework can’t be asyncio, although some extensions (Flask-Aiohttp) have tried. Quart is the solution as it shares the Flask API and is based on asyncio. In addition Quart goes beyond Flask adding HTTP/2 and websockets.

This talk will outline why ASGI is a good asynchronous version of WSGI, and then give an overview of Quart, demonstrating features that go beyond the Flask framework.





Philip Jones

Maintainer of Quart, Hypercorn and various other Python HTTP projects.