My next venture is all about Music (Muzeek) & AI

Philippe Guillaud
3 min readMar 7, 2018


Best partners ever: Andre Manoukian & Yacin Bahi

Life is all about having fun in everything you do.

I have been into hardware for the last 16 years and 3 startups I cofounded. I was lucky enough to make a successful exit with each of them but most importantly, I never got bored through all these years.

Don’t get me wrong: it was never easy. A startup is a rollercoaster and you permanently live with uncertainty and stress. Will it fly? How long can I go with the cash we raised? Am I in the right time to market? All these questions day after day. Trust me…

Passion helps you create awesome things

Some of many Smart Credit Cards we created at NagraID Security

Passion helped me create awesome things. I invented the display credit card, the biometric card, LED card and later on made the dynamic CVV credit card, first of its kind. That product was a success, it got my company NagraID Security acquired by IDEMIA in 2014.

Last year, I became convinced it was time for me to change my focus to something new, something that would again make a difference in people’s lives: Music.

A real good business idea is when you solve a real good problem.

So what’s the problem with music?

Problem 1: Over the years, I have witnessed a tremendous increase of video content on the net. Stories, ads, digital presence for brands and so on. Better phones with better cameras, drones with 4K footages, everyone wants to share his experience. Hundreds of apps offer great video filters, enhancers, mixers. GoPro, Dji, Instagram, Facebook, Snap … But what about the audio?. These videos often come with no sound or copyrighted music or just the ambient noise. Fact is: none of these options serve the purpose of the video. Audio is either bad or not synchronized with video content.

Problem 2: I like playing video games and guess what: these games always play the same music over and over again. Audio content is not customized therefore User experience is limited. How else could it be when the game editor paid so much for the sound and music creation on top of author copyrights

Problem 3: There use to be the time where I could add any kind of music I like over my holidays memories video and I could share them on Youtube, Facebook. Time has changed: these social platforms have become so respectful of Copyright infringement that my video would be unlisted right away.

There is a huge demand for copyright free music and not enough musicians on this planet to full fill it.

So what is the answer: The answer is in Artificial Intelligence and more specifically in augmented music composition. I don’t believe a computer is able, by itself, to create a nice and harmonic piece of music. Not yet.

But a computer can take that nice piece of composition made by a real artist and turn it into thousands of different variations. As a result, each generated sound keeps its natural human touch. Moreover, it then become possible to have a perfectly matching video/audio and the difference is … enormous.

That is what my new venture is aiming at and we could only call it MUZEEK.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more to come…



Philippe Guillaud

I am a cofounder and Chief Executive Officer at MatchTune (formerly Muzeek), the Music AI Company. Living between Los Angeles, California and Paris, France.