Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media For The Youth

Nguyen Pham
5 min readFeb 10, 2020


Social media can be a helpful tool to enable the youth to stay in touch with their families and friends. While there are many positive benefits to social media use, there’s also a potential risks. It’s important that you help your child to appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of social media and ensure his online safety.

Today, it is essential that children are comfortable using all forms of digital technology, including social media. Even though we are living in an increasingly digital world, not every young person is equipped to navigate the online world safely and with proper conduct. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Australian teenagers are spending up to 18 hours per week online and 91 percent of teens aged 15 to 19 report using social media. There’s no denying that online and social media use plays a significant role in the lives of today’s youth.

Since its inception, there has been a lot of discussion about the risks associated with social media use. But it’s important to keep things in perspective. We uncover both the pros and cons of social media for youth.


1. Promotes social connection

The main purpose of social networking sites is to facilitate people to socialize, regardless of distance and other barriers. It can have a positive impact on relationships. Young people can make new friends and maintain existing friendships by frequent communication and sharing experiences online. For those teenagers who struggle to make social connections in the physical world, social media can offer a virtual alternative and prevent young people from feeling isolated.

2. Mental health benefits

Social media use stimulates the production of oxytocin which reduces stress levels and promotes feelings of happiness. Online interactions are often much easier than socializing in person — they require little to no emotion and are less demanding. The reward and happiness we receive from likes and positive comments are often the result of very little effort and time. Of course if the comments are negative or the amount of likes deemed too low, it could have a detrimental effect on mental health. In response to consumer feedback, Instagram recently made the number of likes for posts visible only to the profile owner, with plans for Facebook to follow suit. This goes some way to addressing the problem of teens (and people in general) judging their peers on the number of likes they receive for a post, or comparing themselves to others based on number of likes.

3. Provides opportunity for education

Children can watch videos, view pictures and read blogs, many of which have educational benefits. Social networking sites can also facilitate discussion of homework and assignment topics and provide a base for research and fact-finding initiatives.

4. Enhances globalization

The advent of social media has meant that the world has become smaller. We are no longer bound by geographic borders or physical distance. Teenagers can now easily communicate with people from all over the world and experience all the benefits that exposure to other cultures and ideas brings.

5. Promotes creativity

Many social media tools provide an outlet for creative self-expression. Not only are you able to share work such as photography, film, written works and illustrations, other users can offer comments and feedback which can offer the added benefit of building self-esteem and confidence.


1. Cyber-bullying

Cyber-bullying is the use of technology to bully a person or group with the intent to hurt them socially, psychologically or physically. If a child is the victim of cyber-bullying, he or she should seek help immediately.

2. Can compromise safety

Unfortunately, social media provides a platform for predators to groom and abuse children. Users are able to create fake profiles and children are at risk of communicating with people who are unknown to them and who might cause them harm. Children should never disclose their personal information and location to any person on social media. Consider ensuring that your child’s social media profiles are set to ‘private.’

3. Addiction

Since social media use can generate reward and feelings of happiness so easily, there is a risk that it may become addictive. It can also be very time consuming — teens can waste hours online. Parents should limit screen time and set clear expectations about social media usage.

4. Lack of focus

Social media can also be a distraction. It can divert attention from an activity that your child is supposed to be focusing on, such as study, sporting commitments or assignments. It’s important to ensure your child is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and participating in social activities away from the computer or devices. Removing devices from bedrooms and monitoring social media online usage is also advised.

Overall, social media does not have to be scary. Even though it can be exploited by bullies, instilling good digital etiquette and maintaining an open dialogue about online safety can go a long way in keeping kids safe online.

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