Top 10 Interview Questions for Software Engineering Scrum Masters

Lucas Pham
5 min readJul 1, 2023

Preparing for an interview as a software engineering Scrum Master can be a challenging task. To help you ace your interview, we have compiled a list of the top 10 interview questions commonly asked in this role. Each question comes with a detailed answer and an example to illustrate your knowledge and experience. By familiarizing yourself with these questions and practicing your responses, you’ll be well-prepared to showcase your skills during the interview process.

1) Question: What is the role of a Scrum Master in an Agile software development team?

Answer: As a Scrum Master, my primary role is to facilitate the Agile development process. I ensure that the Scrum framework is understood and followed by the team, including ceremonies like daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and retrospectives. I serve as a servant-leader, removing obstacles, and fostering a collaborative environment. For example, in a previous project, I coached the team on Agile principles, facilitated effective communication, and ensured that the Scrum events were conducted efficiently.

2) Question: How do you handle a situation where the team does not fully embrace Agile principles or is resistant to change?

Answer: Change can be challenging, especially for teams transitioning to Agile. In such situations, I employ a combination of coaching and communication techniques. I explain the benefits of Agile methodologies, address concerns, and provide training if necessary. I also emphasize the importance of continuous improvement and create a safe space for open dialogue. For instance, in a previous project, I organized workshops to educate the team about Agile practices, shared success stories, and encouraged them to voice their concerns and suggestions.

3) Question: How do you ensure effective collaboration and communication within the development team and with stakeholders?

Answer: Collaboration and communication are crucial for project success. I encourage regular face-to-face interactions, foster a culture of transparency, and facilitate effective communication channels, such as daily stand-ups and sprint reviews. Additionally, I ensure that stakeholders are involved throughout the process and provide timely updates. For example, in a recent project, I implemented a visual task board and used online collaboration tools to enhance communication and maintain transparency between the team and stakeholders.

4) Question: How do you handle conflicts within a Scrum team?

Answer: Conflicts can arise within any team, but it’s essential to address them constructively. I promote open communication, active listening, and empathy to understand different perspectives. I facilitate discussions to find common ground and encourage team members to work towards a resolution collaboratively. In a previous project, we faced a conflict regarding the prioritization of tasks. By facilitating a team retrospective and encouraging open dialogue, we identified the root causes and implemented a shared decision-making process, fostering better collaboration.

5) Question: How do you handle changes in project scope during an ongoing sprint?

Answer: Changes in project scope are not uncommon, and as a Scrum Master, I ensure that the impact of changes is evaluated carefully. I collaborate with the product owner and development team to assess the changes’ feasibility and impact on sprint goals. If necessary, we adjust the sprint backlog and communicate the changes transparently to stakeholders. In a previous project, we received a change request from a stakeholder mid-sprint. By involving the team in a discussion, we evaluated the impact, and together with the product owner, decided to include it in the sprint after reprioritizing other tasks.

6) Question: How do you measure and track the team’s performance and progress?

Answer: Measuring performance and progress is essential for continuous improvement. I use metrics like velocity, burn-down charts, and cycle time to track the team’s progress and identify areas for improvement. I also conduct regular retrospectives to gather feedback and adjust the team’s processes accordingly. For example, in a previous project, we used velocity to measure the team’s productivity and sprint burndown charts to track the progress of user stories. This helped us identify bottlenecks and make necessary adjustments to meet our sprint goals.

7) Question: How do you handle a situation where the team is consistently missing sprint goals?

Answer: Consistently missing sprint goals requires a proactive approach to identify underlying issues. I work closely with the team to identify any challenges or impediments. We conduct a root cause analysis, looking at factors such as unrealistic expectations, insufficient resources, or unclear requirements. Based on the findings, we adjust our planning, collaborate with stakeholders to manage expectations, and focus on continuous improvement. In a previous project, we faced this challenge, and by conducting a thorough analysis, we realized that the team lacked clarity on certain user stories. We addressed this by improving the refinement process and involving stakeholders more actively in requirements clarification.

8) Question: How do you ensure that the team follows Agile best practices and maintains a sustainable pace?

Answer: Sustainable pace is crucial for maintaining the team’s productivity and avoiding burnout. I advocate for Agile best practices, such as limiting work in progress, avoiding scope creep, and promoting self-organization. I monitor the team’s workload, encouraging them to balance their commitments, and intervene if necessary. In a previous project, we noticed that the team was consistently overcommitting and working overtime. By facilitating a retrospective, we identified the root causes and adjusted the sprint planning process, allowing the team to maintain a sustainable pace and improve their overall productivity.

9) Question: How do you handle a situation where the product owner constantly changes requirements mid-sprint?

Answer: Dealing with changing requirements requires effective communication and collaboration between the product owner and the development team. I encourage clear and open communication channels, regular backlog refinement sessions, and a shared understanding of priorities. If the product owner requests changes mid-sprint, I assess the impact on the sprint goal, involve the team in the decision-making process, and work together to accommodate the changes without compromising the sprint. In a previous project, we encountered frequent changes from the product owner. By organizing regular meetings to discuss and align on priorities, we ensured that changes were evaluated, and the impact on sprint goals was carefully considered.

10) Question: How do you facilitate continuous improvement within a Scrum team?

Answer: Continuous improvement is a core principle of Agile. I foster a culture of learning by encouraging retrospectives, where the team reflects on their processes and identifies areas for improvement. I also encourage experimentation and the adoption of new tools or techniques to enhance efficiency. In a previous project, we implemented a process improvement suggestion box where team members could anonymously submit their ideas. We reviewed these suggestions during retrospectives, implemented the viable ones, and tracked the impact on our processes and productivity.


Preparing for a software engineering Scrum Master interview requires a solid understanding of Agile principles, effective communication skills, and the ability to facilitate collaboration within the team. By familiarizing yourself with these top 10 interview questions and practicing your responses with detailed answers and examples, you’ll be well-prepared to showcase your expertise, leadership skills, and ability to drive successful Agile software development projects. Good luck with your interview!

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Lucas Pham

Engineering manager with 20 years of software development experiences. Subscribe me to get update with my posts