The Tangible Soul — COVID19 Lock-down Day 19

2020, When wheel stopped (or slowed down)…

Pradeep Miriyala
3 min readApr 12, 2020


Week 1 [Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7]
Week 2 [
Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14]
Week 3 [
Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18]

The Tangible Soul

Today I had a very interesting conversation with Saigopal, one my best friends about Soul. He raised a topic very simply what if Soul takes form of a tangible object so that we can feel it as if we are accessing a phone, book or any other object. As done in my yesterday’s article, I’m trying to keep it simple. Any responses are welcome.

The “what if” part is very interesting, mainly because by definition a Soul is intangible. To experience Soul, one should attain highest levels of meditation. So, for people like me and him who have not yet attained this levels, how do we experience Soul?

Is it bad to try to objectify Soul with some physical object, so that we start seeing Soul in the object form, so the path to self knowledge can be easy(or atma jnanam). What can go wrong?

Fundamentally, meditation is based on 5 spiritual senses rather than the 5 physical senses. Thus, attributing one’s soul with any physical object is objectionable. There are no shortcuts to Atma Jnanam and the path has to be taken spiritually. (Loosely based on Vivekachoodamani, Full book — Telugu, English)

(Below is brief extract from my conversation with another friend, Usha Rani )
అగాధాల వైపుకి ఆకర్షణ చాలా తీవ్రమైనది” which translates to
“Gravity of attraction towards Abysses is very strong”.
This gravity is Maya which plays with every person in several forms.

The danger of trying to objectify Soul can be summarized by quoting one short story from Bhagavtam, (Full story).

There used to be a great sage “Bharata” who is on path to Moksha. One day he saved a deer cub after the mother died giving birth to the cub. As days progressed, he started to have attachment towards the deer cub. On his death bed too, he started thinking about deer only. So instead of all his good deeds, he still has to take one more birth as deer and then as human again to attain Moksha finally.

Some fun learning

During this long weekend, I learnt some new things and basically astonishing concepts.

  1. Ramanujan Summation which says the sum of Infinite positive integers is “-1/12”. You read it right, the “1+2+3+….+inf = -1/12”. Refer Wiki and this article.
  2. Biological half life or elimination time for medicines is a number that refers to the amount of time it takes for medicine to reach half level in human body. Some medicines even have life spans of close to 6 months, which means it take 6 months to remove medicine from one’s body in natural process. The bottomline is avoid self medication for which we do not know how long medicine stays in body and how much effect it may have.
  3. Next time you want to search for Plutonium, start by searching your body. (Only as fun, no offence to anyone). Yes, Human body contains Plutonium in parts of Skeleton and Liver.(Refer)

The serious part

As usual the serious part is about Corona virus spread and how do we fight it by staying indoors.

As a reminder, if you happen to go out to buy essentials, do not consume them immediately. Put them in sunlight for at least 4 hours (No proof offered from my side) so germs may be killed and it will become less risky to use them.

Today, the global count is already 1.8 Million cases and thus meaning a close to 8 Million people are directly effected. That is very big number and be more cautious and stay indoor.

Stay safe…
Stay stronger for reducing number of people effected…

The pending relevant topics for lock-down “Industry 4.0”, “Process first or People first”. The lock-down isn’t going anywhere for another 18 days.



Pradeep Miriyala

Engineer by profession, Programmer by interest, Poet/Writer by hobby. Poetry blog: