Easy Way To Earn BIG MONEY Using ChatGPT !

2 min readMar 7, 2023
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

If you are looking for ways to make money using technology, then ChatGPT is a platform that you should definitely check out. ChatGPT is an AI-based chatbot that can answer your questions and provide you with valuable information on a wide range of topics. But did you know that you can also use ChatGPT to create engaging videos and monetize your content?

In this article, we will show you how to use ChatGPT to create high-quality videos that can help you build your audience, attract sponsors, and earn money online.

Step 1: Choose a Subject

The first step in using ChatGPT to create videos is to choose a subject that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. This can be anything from cooking to technology, from sports to fashion. Once you have chosen your subject, simply go to the ChatGPT website and ask the chatbot to generate content on that topic.

Step 2: Convert the Content to Audio Files

Once you have generated your content using ChatGPT, the next step is to convert it to audio files. There are several websites that specialize in converting text to speech, such as NaturalReader and Text2Speech. You can choose the voice of your choice, whether it be male or female, and adjust the speed and pitch to suit your preferences.

Step 3: Add an AI-Based Anchor and 3D Animation

To make your videos even more engaging, you can add an AI-based anchor and 3D animation to your content. There are several AI-based applications that can read your content and generate a video with a virtual anchor, such as Synthesia and Lumen5. You can also add 3D animation to your videos to make them more visually appealing.

Step 4: Upload the Video to YouTube

Once you have created your video, the final step is to upload it to YouTube. This is where you can build your audience and monetize your content through ads and sponsorships. Be sure to optimize your video for search engines by using relevant keywords in the title and description, and promoting it on social media and other platforms.

By following these simple steps, you can use ChatGPT to create engaging videos that can help you make money online. With the power of AI-based technology, you can create high-quality content that stands out on YouTube and attracts viewers from all over the world. So why not give it a try and see how much you can earn with ChatGPT?

