I Started Playing Muse Dash Because Of Fanservices

3 min readOct 5, 2019


But stayed for gameplay and music.

Muse Dash is side scrolling rhythm games for Android, Ios, Steam and Nintedo Switch.

Before playing this game I played different game and I guess because I had searched for that games music Youtube recommended gameplay video of this game. And I was mostly interested for fanservices butI still had some kinda interest in music and this games gameplay.

Already you can see fanservices on characters that you can play as. Even when character isn’t unlocked.

In tittle screen you can “interact” with character that you have choosed by tapping on them and they say random lines and of those of line might be suggestive ones. Or maybe that just is when you look into things too deeply.

To unlock characters (and elfins) you need to get 8 fragments of something. Fragments you can get by leveling up. There is just overall leveling up system. After levling up you can get 2 fragments which is randomized.

Both characters and elfins have effects that might be changing gameplay. So you can mix into different character and elfin combo to have different experience. And some characters and elfins work together.

Another rewards type is images that also works as loading screen after they are unlocked. For images you need five fragments. Before unlocking any I thought most of those might have fanservices in them.

But no. Most of them dosn’t have fanservices in them. I’m ok with that. So from one point seeing from side you might be thinking this game is full of fanservices expect that is only small part of game… But it’s easy seen that there is fanservices.

Ok this reward images might be close to fanservices if not fully. But that’s one of many that I have unlocked.

Video from ELHA from Youtube. Even thought video is emblemed just in case I credit who made video.

Here is gameplay showing one way how game is played. And you can see that fanservices dosn’t distrub gameplay.

Gameplay is like taiko drums but you need to destroy enemies in rhythm. For long notes you need to hold and need to spam either side of screen (if on mobile) or buttons for boss enemies. You can try to get perfect full combo if you choose to do it and if you can it.

Base game costs around 3 Euros (Because I’m living in Europe) and if you can you can buy one IAP that unlock every song pack even upcoming pass which cost around 30 Euros if I’m correct. Or you can buy song packs by one if you want to play this game with more music.

Overall I’m enjoying game and probably I should be searching online for songs that are in this game to listen when I’m not playing this game. And most of time I don’t have interest in fanservices. I don’t care if there is fanservices or not. Unless if game will remove it. Than it won’t be true to itself.

Also I’m suprised that Google Play allowed this but it’s good job that it allowed. I can’t fully say about App Store. And more or less I know what is happening for Steam.




I’m writing stuff for topic that I’m interested and when I can’t make video on it (because I’m interested in video making) — don’t want or don’t have time.