image by Verawaty

Shadowfairy: the right way without sorrow

about new chances, changes and choosing the greatest path to love

3 min readJul 13, 2022


Sometimes the best changes can cause the greatest drama. It doesn’t matter how safe they seem, or whether you are in a closed community or not, there is nothing that can guarantee safety of any kind. I know that, but there are plenty who don’t. Who believe you will have a good life when you’re having a safe office job and live close to your family. Even when drama occurs, there will be a safety net available to catch them in times of need. This is even in the darkest times the best scenario you can have. It could be you will find your peace with the people around you, but when you’re going through something that turns your world upside down it’s possible you will go through a transformation yourself. All the changes and immense circumstances somehow change you so much, you can’t feel connected to the people who want to support you.

All these changes you meet can feel overwhelming and make you so scared despite your greatest desire to change your world. You may break down in tears. You may experience restlessness in your body. We are used to denying how we feel about things. Thinking that if we feel any difficult emotions we are somehow not happy with the circumstances we may have chosen ourselves. How freeing it would be if we could allow us all these feelings? Imagine how we can enter into the changes we have wished for. That would be a true paradise in itself. When we transform our tears into the shining diamonds of our journey. When we experience the nervousness as the excitement for the next new thing on our enriched path we may discover. Not knowing where to go brings a wonderful package of joy that can bring the most unknown emotions to the surface of our soul. That shouldn’t be something to hide, but to embrace with all the love and joy we feel about the new treasures we’re about to discover.

Remember that even though you think you’ve planned your next journey, something unexpected will always come your way. That’s the main reason some don’t chase the changes, they don’t want the unexpected next to the expected. But it can be the unexpected journey that can bring you something you’ve never thought about that may add to the growth of your wisdom. When you’re further in your journey you may look back thinking what would have happened or what you’ll be missing if you wouldn’t take this opportunity. In the end you will always have a package of sorrows next to the wisdom and light you’ve gained on the way knowing it was worth all the tears in the end.


by pherawaty

More work by pherawaty: Vocal, Ko-Fi, Patreon, Verawaty




As Pherawaty, real name Verawati Calmer, I write prose and poetry to embrace darkness and sadness with love and light.