Celebrating Members of the PhET Translator Network (Cohort II)

PhET Global
Dec 19, 2022


PhET would like to extend its gratitude to members of the Translator Network, Cohort II, who have completed a comprehensive training to learn how to translate PhET simulations and teacher tips.

Collage of cohort II translators.
Image: Images of Translators

From September — December 2022, this group of PhET translators contributed 788 new sim translations along with several teacher tips and webpages across the languages listed below.

Table showing the list of locales and number of translated sims.
Table: Breakdown of of locales and translations

Thanks to your contributions, more learners can now access PhET sims in their first language.

Keep an eye out for a call for a new cycle of the PhET Translator Network! To learn more about translation efforts, visit PhET’s For Translators page.



PhET Global

PhET Global is an initiative of PhET Interactive Simulations (https://phet.colorado.edu/) improve math and science education around the world.