Inside the Un-United Kingdom we are in shock.

Pete Jones
2 min readJun 24, 2016

For every person I hear say they are happy with brexit today. I hear five who are just stunned that it happened. I spoke to a young man (20ish) today who said “I would have voted ‘stay’ but didn’t vote”.

Here in england, there has been mass confusion, not even I or my partner really knew what was going on, it was a rushed, uneducated ‘TV’ show’ style referendum. Something this important should have been discussed for a couple of years, but the main thrust of the campaign in the Un-UK has only been a few months, no one really knew the implications, and no one really thought it would happen.

I like to think I’m aware, conscious and passionate about things but I didn’t really know what the referendum would mean — and I found it really hard to find out. In recent weeks, here in the Un-UK, conversations in the pubs were based on newspaper scaremongering and images of (non-white) immigrants trying to invade us and suggestions that they will rape ‘our women’. We are island people and immigration means a lot to islanders, it’s a very easy fear to whip up…

Today, it has been announced that the extra £350m a week for our National Health Service (NHS) — which was touted as part of the brexit rhetoric — has been declared “ a mistake” by the brexit camp.

That’s OK then.

The fallout here is just beginning and many of us here feel that people who voted for brexit will slowly realise what they have done, as the promises evaporate into truth. This Washington Post article about British people Googling “what is the EU” (after leaving) sums it all up perfectly.

The far right is surfacing in france and other countries — lands that our forefathers fought for peace — on the back of brexit, division is in the air. On a planet that we have led into crisis environmentally, socially and financially, we need unity and to work together.

People in the Un-UK are utterly divided right now. Me and nearly half the country are extreemly sad and shocked, and personally, I am not able to speak to a dear friend of many years, because they voted brexit. And, they are today, celebrating while the conscious world looks on and wonders why…

I feel like a secret reporter in the pre-second world war days, reporting to the outside world about what is happening from the inside.

Take notice people. Big Love, Pete xx



Pete Jones

Gender Equality Warrior living in the UK. Founder of Feminist and proud of it. A man who sees women as they are. Equal.