Phil Allen
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Why Electroneum (ETN) will achieve mass adoption and be the #1 crypto in the world

One of the biggest drawbacks right now in the crypto world is that it hasn't caught on yet to a large number of users. This is caused by two main issues; real word use case & transaction speeds.

ETN is targeting an audience who will benefit more than anyone else in the world, and who will be new users unlike those already involved in crypto. Those people are "The Unbanked". There are still billions of people in the world who are unable to have any form digital currency without having a bank account, but do have cell phones. By offering them the mobile wallet and mobile miner, they now have a chance to grow their economies and have the ability to make purchases online, as well as pay their bills. To start, ETN has made deals with very large cell phone providers in countries with the largest number of unbanked citizens. This allows them to accept the currency as partial payment for data/minutes. By giving them around $3 a month in crypto a month this will jumpstart these areas as incentives to keep using. As the user numbers grow, larger vendors will start to accept it. If you can imagine, online retailers would certainly be open to widening their sales territories as well. Studies also show the unbanked to be a $3 trillion dollar industry! We just need a fraction of it!

So you may be asking "How are they going to buy ETN in the future, or convert Fiat without a bank account? They can’t possibly sustain free crypto forever”. This is definitely something that the team is aware of and I’m sure have great plans for it. My idea would be to sell prepaid cards in stores and shops to load up their wallets. This to me would be a huge step to make crypto super easy for people to use. Currently, it’s rather difficult for an average person to go and buy some Bitcoin for example. As the project continues to grow this will be addressed in more depth as there are several ways to overcome this.

The other issue I mentioned above was transaction speeds. Bitcoin was not designed to handle millions of transactions, it just doesn’t have the technology for it. Although it opened up a new world with it’s tech, there are far better coins out there that evolved since it’s beginning. Currently, everyone is racing to have the highest transaction speeds. Electroneum on the other hand has developed and patented (patent pending) technology to allow for instant transactions. This eliminates the need for a super high speed block chain. If you look at any credit card company, the vendor doesn’t receive their money right away after the transaction, but they guarantee that they’ll get it though, and that’s mainly all they care about. This also means that nobody else can use instant payment technology if the patent gets approved, which will be huge for us.

Another big obstacle facing crypto are regulations. Electroneum has tailored their coin to embrace regulations as many vendors will not feel comfortable selling products without knowing who’s purchasing. This could lead to selling to terrorists or criminals, and with that kind of publicity, mass adoption will be difficult.

Overall, I highly recommend getting involved in this project, the team is super transparent and very professional. In my opinion, the price and market cap are very undervalued. Don’t wait on this one, get in before they start to market to the millions of cell phone users. Instant payments are currently being tested in beta. The app is available on Android and has been approved for IOS. Exciting times right now, we just crossed the 2 million user milestone. This ranks us #5 in the world, without marketing. We are on hoping to hit 20 million by year’s end. The future is bright for Electroneum and I’m happy to be a part of something so revolutionary since the ICO. Go ETN!#ETN242