Chrysanthemum Meaning and Symbolism: Unveiling the Secrets of this Fascinating Flower

Philflora Flower Shop
3 min readOct 11, 2023



Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Chrysanthemum Meaning and History
3. Chrysanthemum Symbolism
4. Cultural Significance
5. Types of Chrysanthemums
6. Chrysanthemums in Different Colors
7. FAQs about Chrysanthemum Meaning and Symbolism
8. Conclusion


Chrysanthemums, commonly referred to as “mums,” are not just beautiful flowers; they hold a deep cultural and symbolic significance across the world. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the chrysanthemum’s meaning, its rich history, symbolism, and the various types and colors it comes in. Dive into the enchanting world of chrysanthemums and discover the secrets hidden within their petals.

Chrysanthemum Meaning and History

The Meaning and History of Chrysanthemum From the Greek words “chrysos,” which means gold, and “anthemon,” which means flower, the chrysanthemum gets its name. The name aptly reflects the flower’s original golden color, which is still prevalent in many varieties today. Historically, chrysanthemums have been cultivated for over 2,500 years, primarily in China, where they are revered for their medicinal properties.

Chrysanthemum Meaning: Chrysanthemums represent longevity, happiness, and joy. On special occasions, they are frequently presented as gifts to people who wish them luck and wealth.

Chrysanthemum Symbolism

The symbolism of chrysanthemums varies across different cultures:

1. Japanese Symbolism: In Japan, chrysanthemums are the national flower and symbolize the imperial family. This flower gives rise to the Chrysanthemum Throne, also known as the Japanese Imperial Throne.

2. Chinese Symbolism: In China, chrysanthemums are associated with ease and rest, often symbolizing a life of ease and leisure in retirement.

3. Western Symbolism: In the Western world, chrysanthemums symbolize honor and sympathy, making them a popular choice for funeral arrangements.

Cultural Significance

Chrysanthemums in China

In China, the chrysanthemum holds a special place in traditional medicine. It is thought to provide a number of therapeutic benefits, including the ability to treat respiratory conditions and lower fever. The flower’s ability to retain its vitality even in the late autumn has led to the belief that it can bring longevity and endurance to those who consume it.

Chrysanthemums in Japan

As previously mentioned, chrysanthemums are the national flower of Japan. They have deep roots in Japanese culture, symbolizing the country’s nobility, virtue, and the imperial family. The Chrysanthemum Throne, occupied by the emperor, reinforces this symbolism.

Types of Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums come in various types, each with its unique characteristics. The most common types include:

1. Anemone: Known for their striking, colorful petals and contrasting centers.
2. Spider: Distinguished by their long, spindly petals, which resemble spiders..
3. Pompon: These chrysanthemums have globe-shaped, double flowers that resemble pompoms.
4. Cushion: Featuring densely packed petals, creating a cushion-like effect.
5. Quill: These chrysanthemums have tubular petals that give them a quill-like appearance.

Chrysanthemums in Various Shades
Chrysanthemums have a vast range of hues, and each one has a unique meaning.
1. Red: Denotes intense passion and affection.
2. White: Represents purity and truth.
3. Yellow: Signifies happiness and good luck.
4. Purple: Symbolizes nobility and elegance.
5. Pink: Often given to convey admiration and gratitude.

FAQs about Chrysanthemum Meaning and Symbolism

Q1: What is the significance of chrysanthemums in funerals?

A1: Chrysanthemums are commonly used in funeral arrangements in the West, where they symbolize sympathy and honor. In other cultures, they might hold different meanings.

Q2: Can I grow chrysanthemums in my garden?

A2: Yes, chrysanthemums are relatively easy to grow in a garden. Different types require varying levels of care, so be sure to choose the right variety for your gardening skills.

Q3: Are chrysanthemums associated with any festivals?

A3: In China, the Chongyang Festival, celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, involves drinking chrysanthemum wine and wearing chrysanthemum crowns.


Chrysanthemums, with their rich history, diverse symbolism, and breathtaking beauty, are more than just flowers. They have played essential roles in cultures around the world, representing values from longevity and nobility to love and happiness. So, the next time you encounter a chrysanthemum, take a moment to appreciate the hidden meanings and stories encapsulated within its delicate petals.



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