What I Learned from Blissing Out on Ignorance

Morpheus never said taking the red pill would be easy.

Philip Lee
6 min readFeb 22, 2020
Photo by Martyn Seddon on Unsplash

Jim Carrey said it best when he tweeted: “It’s really sad that so much of our society says “Thank god it’s Friday” Thank god that 5 out of the 7 days of my life is over. Now I’m gonna spend 2 of those 7 days drunk so I don’t have to think about the upcoming 5/7ths of my week.”


I say this tongue in cheek but not too long ago, I would have scoffed and told Jim Carrey to go back to being a funny man.

I used to think that “work hard play hard was synonymous with work/life balance. To some degree sure, but when the scale lingers heavily on the side of play hard, remembering the importance of a balanced lifestyle takes a backseat.

It got to a point where the only question that mattered was, “how can I get through this week as fast as possible so that I can be anywhere but here?”

I convinced myself that if I avoided the present long enough, it’ll go away and miraculously an amazing opportunity will fall from the skies like manna from the gods. Entitled would be a euphemism.

This led me down a decade-long path of boozed-induced liver damage and running from insecurities. After the dust settled, it hit me hard that my…



Philip Lee

On a quest to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.