Success Secrets: 7 EPIC Law Of Attraction Quotes From Conor McGregor

Philip Michael
3 min readJul 25, 2017


In less than three years, Conor McGregor has risen from an unknown entity to a global icon, smashing every financial record in the UFC — a huge reason the fight organization sold for $4.2 billion last year.

In November, McGregor completed what he, in his own words, had visualized throughout the whole year — hoisting two belts high atop the UFC cage in Madison Square Garden as the only two-belt world champion in the organization’s history.

Now, McGregor stands to make another $100 million as he, somehow, has landed an Aug. 26 mega-fight with undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather (despite no boxing experience) in what could be the first billion-dollar fight in human history.

HIs secret? Well, The Secret — the law of attraction.

“If you have a clear picture in your head that something is going to happen and a clear belief that it will happen no matter what then nothing can stop it. It is destined to happen. It’s perfect.”

Offering a window into Conor’s mind, we put together 7 epic quotes on the law of attraction.

1. On visualization

“This is the law of attraction. In this struggle, when things are going good and you visualise good things happening , that’s easy. What’s not easy is to do is when things are going bad and you’re visualising the good stuff. And that’s what I was able to do. Visualizing good things in times of struggle, when you can do that, that really makes the law of attraction work.”

2. Appreciating surroundings

“You need to appreciate your surroundings and be grateful for it, and that’s when good things happen. To have that bitterness and negativity, that’s when things go bad. I think the fact that I appreciate everything and that I’m grateful for the things around me, that’s why it’s going so good for me.”

3. Manifesting

“If you can see it here,” he said at the UFC 194 press conference in December 2015. “And have the courage enough to speak it, it will happen. If you put out what you truly believe in, it will create the law of attraction and it becomes reality.”

4. Self belief

5. Conor on the power of choice

6. Manifesting a Bentley

“Even though I was having trouble at home, even though I had no job, I was still able to feel like it was. Basically using my imagination, like a kid, using my imagination. I was driving my girlfriend’s car, shaking down the road. And I swear to God, I was sitting in traffic and visualized — holding the steering wheel, visualizing — driving a brand new car, visualizing good things.”

7. “I done everything I said I was going to do.”

“I done everything I said I was gonna do. I was LAUGHED at when I was gonna win my second world title. ‘That’s not going to happen.’ An Irishman winning a UFC [world title] — I was laughed at when I said that. And I done. It’s only January 2017 and I’m already the face of the UFC. The face of boxing. The face of the WWE. And the face of Hollywood!



Philip Michael

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