Philip Ebuluofor
4 min readAug 19, 2022

“Cringe-Worthy Facts On Lumbering Ethical Conducts”

I want to air some of the things I have witnessed and still doing on the weakness of man's nature. Humans are ambitious animals, sometimes, the ambitions turns into over ambitious and that is normal when our morals are put to the test.

Ethical misconduct can simply be said to be unacceptable behavior engaged in by anyone employee or employer that is contrary to the moral regulations of his profession. I am victim of such act from the people you would least expect it to come from. There they are at the center of the whole saga; federal government, police, religious leaders, politicians, ministers, political and socio cultural groups.

You might be wondering what the misconduct is. It’s money and conduct based. How come?

You wants to know how those bodies got entangled in money and Conducts misbehavior?

When we over do things, like over dream, over trust or even over believe in our own capabilities, we learn in hard way that over confidence can be detrimental, paralyzing when the opposite result start seeping in. When pomposity fuels our dreams, we usually dream bigger, love, dug holes wider and deeper in anticipation of our kill until we learn that the relationship between the hunter and the hunted is so thin that their places can easily be switched within seconds.

Over dreaming, or most over anything should be sign that the end result might be negative. But that’s exactly what those entities up there does.
Isn’t philosopher Bertrand that admonishes not to use power to suppress opinion you think pernicious, for if you do, the opinion will suppress you.

Hopes and plans are prerequisites for success. They are wonderful things to engaged in as long as our ambitions are in line with nature, clean. It’s then ambitions becomes the catalyst that acts as fuel to push us forwards for bigger things.

Money get things done, turns dream, plans into action and leads to reality. Money own is like investment in stock market. As long as the company stays afloat, the longer, the better returns. So engaging with any institutions requires careful and thoughtful decision plans even though luck plays an important part too.

In this my issue, it’s the case. The holes dug deeper and wider expecting a particular sacrificial lamb but as usual, results are usually the opposite and when hurriedly put contingency plans are not performing, hunter and the hunted start switching places. A case of man proposing and God finalizing things to his own taste.

Temptation and over intelligence can be something else. Can angle am viewing things now remain unchanged if my position and those of the forces mentioned above switch places?—I am tempted to swear on it after all, 12 years and numerous test and readings is enough to monitor and study someone.

How many years does researchers use in coming out with what we all put our faith in and viewed as infallible truth. Temptation can be overwhelming at times, we allowed it to fester, we would have been morally weak. Why must our attitudes to ethics of our profession be weak and questionable in the first place. The lure of money, woman, man, alcohol, smoke, drugs, power draws like magnet if and only if we mess around in the area of their influence to acquire it by all means and not earn it.

I always wonder how a person can end up in the bottom of the ocean if the person have not been messing around near it. The admonition still remains the same. Mind your business and don’t over do, want, seek, trust, acquire, complain, accuse and sought anything. Things that glitter are never gold. I kept learning this lesson from China to here.

Trustworthiness Is a trait, character we all needs to imbibe in us and our wards from tender age. Wanting anything so much to the extent of throwing our morals overboard, we might get them too much that to turn and run becomes practically impossible. Things usually becomes interesting at that point. Reputations accumulated for decades even if fake flew out the window within minutes.

In case like this, even esprit de corps, camaraderie spirit that are embedded in our professions can’t help also as far as fallen into deeper and wider holes are concern. Believing and trusting in each other takes back bench and things turns to fire on the mountain.

“ Stand with anyone that stands right, stands with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong”—Abraham Lincoln.

Talking, writing and reading is easier than putting the acquired knowledge into practice. Changes happens, reputations maintained or dropped through actions overtime not learning.

The idea is to learn how to be trustworthy through actions no matter how tiny those steps might be or rock our own boats. Positions, freedoms and status most takes for granted is never an easy thing to come by once gone. If we have them, let cherish them.

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Philip Ebuluofor

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@