“Mighty Blessings To All The Black Brothers And Sisters In This Month Of Our Savior”

Philip Ebuluofor
5 min readFeb 22, 2023


My fellow blacks in Diaspora all over the wild world. Good to see another month we celebrate our existence and achievements.

It’s janky to realized that most of you despite the systematic policy If shifting aside, even elimination put in place against us all over the world, we have been able to weather all the obstacles put on our way to be where and who we were today. It’s not easy. Even in our own Africa with a greater percentage of our kind everywhere and in control, it is never easy too.

Those after you there have devised another method of furthering their heart desires on us all too. They have shifted their war to mother Africa proper alas through proxy. Moves like that makes me to wonder and realized first-hand what you guys and gals must be going through there. Not actually that I don’t have an inkling, I do. I recently came out of communist dungeon where I was made a guinea pig for yellow magic experiment for a decade and they believed that they did not get the result they wanted so, through their proxy here in my own country, our own mother Africa, they are still at their experiment.

Doesn’t something like that amaze you?

What is most hilarious about dealing with those creatures is that some of them, the way they present themselves and their history to you in a bid to hook you or plant by force awe of themselves and their ancestors into you is what makes me wonder if truly they are all sound in the head.

They preach to you that dark forces are a thing from the center of hell. “It is fucking bad. Keep far away from it” they will say to you. Yet, some with five thousand years old history as organized nations with spoken and written languages that are old too, are the ones with black magic experimentation labs all over the world. Hypocrisy in its naked form.

Why am i telling you this?

I am telling you this story for you to take heart wherever you are reading this. Celebrate your minor achievement and try to ignore those creatures. Not actually that they know how to mind their business, ignoring them will not give you the breathing space you want for they don’t know how to focus on themselves. They from my own experiences with them will wait for you to come to them and when that isn’t happening, they will come looking for you to see why you are not seeking them. Superiority genes are well embedded in them for centuries.

Is that an attribute of a sound and contented fellow?- of course not. They are not just happy with themselves and am sure that you know that jealousy is part of love. The central message here is that when that love is not reciprocated, new and newer shackle policies started flowing like streams down rivers everywhere black people reside.

Not actually that they can’t stand your sight. Or that they want to vomit any time they see you. It is fear at work in them most of the time not hatred. At times when someone is afraid of you or disappointed in you, you become excessively insulting and cruel to hide it.

Only imagination will tell you what our ancestors passed through in the hands of those guys and at that, you still won’t get the whole gist. Some of them that are after you today don’t even realize that in their lineages somewhere in the distant past and night was a black man/ woman. It is true. Funny, right?

I am commemorating and consecrating this month not only for your achievement and what they called contribution to American society or the world as if they and their ancestors would have been alive enough to start joining brass and coppers together to build whatever if our ancestors weren’t sweating it out in their plantations everywhere and being turned into night soiled men and women for them and household to feel at home in their whiteness.

Food and peace of mind are what made them what they are today. Don’t argue this. One woman from my lineage was sold into slavery in the 19th century and we are hearing now that the trade had stopped. So, I truly understand your predicaments and if added my dungeon experience( it was terrible) you will realize that I am not an observer. I am fully part of the month.

There is no doubt that at times what those around us needs is not retaliation of any violent kind but prayers. One woman said that loyalty never goes unpunished. Imagine that naked truth. You must learn how not to be hundred percent sure of anything until it is in the kitty. You must learn how to mind your business, you must learn how not to kowtow just to earn favor.

Many including us take a hell of maturity of the highest quality not to read bootlicking written all over such attitudes. Do you like people studying you secretly?

When focused on for ten years, they must see things that are there or not there and start seeing red where there is only brown color in existence. You might want to be sure of what to eat tomorrow, yeah, they too want to be sure of who and what they are dealing with. It’s human nature.

Do you see what I picked up from the communist dungeon?- Always be yourself, never for any excuse rise to the provocation of people that are seriously trying all the almighty formulas to know where your breath comes from.

Just be yourself, manage yourself, and cut your coats according to your size. Be happy in your tiny achievements and the tiny world for whatever Is glittering outside it is never quality gold.

Every positive force is on our side. It’s obvious if you can see beyond your nose. Wishing you from my heart of heart a happy commemoration month. Peace.



Philip Ebuluofor

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@