Philip Ebuluofor
4 min readMay 17, 2022

“ Strategists, Good Ones Knows The Efficacy Of Time In Any Kind Of War”

There is no record, no history of any nation that have ever benefited from any prolonged war.

The west seems to fit the saying of the madman that runs after rats while his house is on fire. You might as well asked rat and fire which one is more deadly.

The west still don’t understand or seems not to acknowledge the fact that they are at war. Their houses are on fire.

Recession and inflation are the formidable enemy they’re battling.

The west are really trying in being their brothers keeper to Ukraine in their war against the Russians. They are supplying them with all kinds of weapons to encounter the invading enemy.

Most of these weapons are foreign to Russians. They don’t know anything like that exist in this planet. The strange weapons are doing wonderful work. The tiny Ukrainians are into four months now of keeping the Invaders at Bay and doing wonder work of it. Really?

The west logic championed by the British is simple and direct. No bully must be allowed to succeed. Bullying must be discouraged in all it’s ramifications. I dig that line of reasoning. Personally, I don’t like them too. Those bullies.

The thing is that there is even a kind of psychological aspect to this war, recession and inflation going on in the West and East.

The war have taken a noticeable Psychological aspect. The west swore that the Russians must never allow to win the war and china is asking why the Russians are bungling an easy victory.

The west seems to believe that other bullies might be encouraged by Russian victory and embark on their own quest and china believes that if Russians lose, they themselves might lose in Taiwan they had their eyes on.

A kind of superstition there. That’s what is happening there really. Maybe, there is something known as superstitious psychology.

Westerners are suffering from inflationary psychology. According to Investopedia, inflationary psychology is the state of the mind that leads consumers to spend more quickly than they otherwise would in the belief that the prices are rising.

Exactly the situation westerns are in. The cost of living is skyrocketing, food and interest rates are on high, utilities prices would soon follow. The source of their invasion, they can pinpoint.

West helps Ukraine to fight Russians, China helps Russians to fight west. The Americans wants to help west to seek for alternate supplier of gas outside Russia.
So, who is helping the west to diversify their sources of supply from China? The war have shown them that they needs a hell of diversification to do.

The war westerners found themselves in is more critical than the bullets flying in Ukraine. Already, there is crack in the trust among them. Blame game have started, acrimony is high and many are finding reasons for their predicament in the UK'S Brexist. UK is even on the ultimatums terms to the union now:

“It must be this and at this date or…”

Suddenly doubt is being cast on the real motive behind the help and zeal some showered on Ukraine via weapons, cash and words.

The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation according to Vladimir Lenin.

That is exactly what is happening in the West. The bad guys are sincere to themselves and their course while the good guy’s camp are full of moles, manipulators, selfish people that knows no other thing but to hide their motive as long as food is assured.

Integrity I believe is the ultimate in every relationship. Without it, no trust, no focused, no zeal. A man that kept glancing behind his shoulders can’t concentrate on his work. It’s kinda difficult to achieve anything meaning in atmosphere of such nature.

What was the saying on poker games again?

If you can’t identify the sucker within minutes of the game in three man poker game, you are the sucker.

China--- Russia--- West

Appear weak while strong and strong while weak. Some are really good in following the advice of their ancestors.

So, who do you think is the sucker here?

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Philip Ebuluofor

Philip, is a freelancer, blogger, and short story writer. His skills includes: writing, reading, listening, creative and administrative. get him philipainox2@