The Observer game update

Philip Brown
3 min readFeb 14, 2022


Happy Valentines day!

Just one of the several new dungeons.

Well, it has been a while (quite a while) since my last update for the game I have been tinkering with since the pandemic began. This will show that I am still working at it (just not quite as quickly given that I am currently employed full time and not quarantining at home for months on end).

Probably the biggest overt change is that I finally took the time to finish the world map. When I released the demos last year I had just created the world map in the portion under the black line shown here. (I didn’t think to save a picture and I lost the editable backup of the previous builds)

a map from early December 2021

I know it is probably backwards to how most programmers make their games but I tend to make the maps first and then create a story to match the map (with some general ideas written before hand). Aka: if part of the continent is split in half by a forest how would the different countries adapt to react to that over the years?

Well I fine tuned the map and continued to tweak the balance of the game over the month and it turned into this map. (As you might notice this is just the bottom of the map (there are some secrets in the top, aka end game stuff, but it was not shown because the map size I chose, when I set up the world map when I started, was too big to fit my screen even when fully zoomed out)

December 30 2021

And now in February I am only changing parts of the map to make the story or game play flow better. If you zoomed in you might notice some minute changes but the general map looks the same.

February 2022

The specially bordered boxes are event switches so if you look closely you might notice that most of the map is still not programmed. I will try to update this blog more often (hopefully every month) and I plan on releasing whatever I finish when I get to 500 hrs of development time (after doing some final balancing and bug testing) (I am currently at 320 hrs according to steam).

So I thank anyone who actually read this to the end. If you want a copy of the game then send a message to me through facebook, my e-mail or in the discord in (I might not notice it for a year or more though… )

Like normal here are the links. (from the demo)






Philip Brown

Been living in Japan since 2013 and loves to go to concerts