Beware the Language of Eradication in America

Philip Collier
2 min readApr 13, 2023


The Two Justins of Tennesee are inspirational young gentlemen. To those who aren’t familiar with my knack for sloganeering, those two persons are Justin Pearson and Justin Jones. They are exactly the right people for these times; exactly the right salt to make our country stop trying to hide the festering wound on democracy.

That was the good news above. Now weez goingz to talk about something most disturbing. I have been pointing out the similarity of talking points between Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Bebert, Andrew Clyde, and others with the transnational white power movement. Go waay back to George Wallace, David Duke, and more recent people who have called for breaking up states in the Pacific Northwest. People who advocate for Russia… I just caught some new phrasing.

Listen for Republicans complaining about people they hate who are said to be “among us.” I say again, listen for far right people complaining about the undesirables walking “among us.” When they say that, they are sounding like other fascists through history who have gone on campaigns of genocide / ethnic cleansing. I’m not hardly bullshitting, friends. First they complain, then they eradicate.

Webster Barnaby, of Florida, said it a few days ago, before he lost his nerve and recanted. I assert that “sorry” is too late, just like “thoughts and prayers.”

Webster Barnaby, a man of sinister words.

Next is Matt Gaetz, who speaks of locking up his opponents, but with so many hints of violence that no one can call it a dog whistle any more. Beware when you hear complaints of bad people “among us” who should be locked up. Because “lock up” is a code word for “kill.” Ignore Cenk and Ana, who took the bait. This is not actually about mental health.

Disinformation from Matt Gaetz. This is not about mental illness, bruh. It is about the arming for war.

The dickless incels above are speaking like settlers who want to ( eradicate / purge / ethnically cleanse / genocide ) the USA, as the settlers did before. The talking points are hinting at MAGA accomplishing a 2nd settling of America. All purification starts with oneself, MFs.



Philip Collier

I observe, give opinions, and write code. If escape is possible, make it. If release is offered, take it. Never pass up an opportunity for more cowbell.