Let’s get it started! My first Blogpost about programming, bots, cloud computing, concepts and so on…

Philipp Holly
2 min readMay 13, 2016


Hello and welcome to my new blog about programming (NodeJS), bots, cloud computing, backends, software concepts, devOps, … So in general I want to share my tech experience from the last couple of years. You know there are a lot of problems in the world you can solve with software. I will show you solving concepts based on real projects/problems, sometimes with step-by-step tutorials.

First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Philipp Holly, I grew up in Austria and live currently in Los Angeles (since 2016). I am programmer since I was 14. Building software systems is my passion, my hobby. 😍

Philipp Holly @ Mobile Marketing Innovation Day 2016

I founded my first company called P#OLLY (www.pholly.at) when I was 17 years old. It was about programming freelancing and consulting.

During my study at the University of Applied Science I started a new company called “intracked” (age: 21). It was an B2C app with a connected B2B platform for driving schools and their students (more infos: www.intracked.com). I sold the company after 1 year of existence.

After that I founded a new company called “dvel” with 2 co-founders, so I became CTO of the Austria (Vienna) and US (Delaware) based company. This happened in the beginning of 2015.

Dvel is an app to do/make social decisions within seconds with your friends (more infos: www.letsdvel.com). In February 2016 we rebranded and redesigned “dvel” into “swell” (🐳 www.swell.wtf) especially for the US market.

So I will mainly talk about my experience as a CTO at “swell” on this blog.

Enough said about me, let’s start with some fun stuff 😉

PS: If you have any questions about my work/blog/life, don’t hesitate to ask!

#swell yeah

Your’s Phil

Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world!

Pinky & The Brain

