Useful tips to keep in mind before buying a bath gel

philipp muellauer
2 min readAug 29, 2018


Before buying a bath gel, you should take into account certain characteristics and fundamental tips that will allow you to make the best choice.

In this guide, we show you some of the most important ones to help you find the best shower gel on the market.

What kind of skin you have

Each skin is different and, depending on its type and characteristics, will need some or other care.

Therefore, before choosing a bath gel, you should make sure what your skin type is and, depending on it, choose the most appropriate product.

For example, in case you have dry or very dry skin, you should choose a nourishing and moisturizing bath gel that not only hydrates the skin, but also preserves its hydrolipidic barrier to maintain adequate hydration.

In case you have sensitive skin, it is better to buy a specific bath gel that does not contain ingredients that can damage or alter the skin.

You have to look at the ingredients

If you are looking for a bath gel that, in addition to cleaning the skin, respect and take care of your natural balance to avoid possible allergies, it is better to pay attention to the ingredients of its formula.

If you have sensitive skin or are looking for a more natural care, it is better to avoid certain ingredients of chemical origin, such as sulfates, parabens, salt or soap.

This type of ingredients could cause irritation and worsen the condition of the skin, in case you suffer, for example, dermatitis or other problems related to the dermis.

Foam is not synonymous with greater cleaning

As a general rule, it is usually thought that the more foam a bath gel makes, the better it will clean the skin and that is wrong.

Nowadays, there are bath gels that do not make a lot of foam and clean as well or more than other products that create more foam.

In fact, as a general rule, bath gels that make a lot of foam contain ingredients that are potentially harmful to the skin, such as sulfates or soap, and which therefore increase the risk of allergies.

Look for a bath gel with pH5

If you are looking for a gel that is respectful to the skin, it is better to opt for one that has a pH5 , that is, the same pH of the skin.

The pH scale of the skin ranges from 0 (more acidic) to 14 (more alkaline), with 7 being the midpoint of the scale, that is, the neutral.

However, the skin has a pH5, the optimal degree that regulates the skin, protecting the acid mantle to avoid in this way that is affected by external aggressions.

Therefore, if you want to be 100% sure that a product is suitable for your skin, choose the one with a ph5 because, in this way, not only ensure the best cleaning but the specific care that your skin needs.

