We solved the major problem of Snapchat

Philipp Steuer
4 min readMar 16, 2016


[German version of this article]

Hey folks, this is a double premiere for me. First I would like to announce that we launched a little project called Snapgeist today. With Snapgeist you can find and discover interesting snapchatters easily.

Second I am happy to share my thoughts in english for the first time ever cause I normally publish in german only. Iam sorry if the following lines are sounding kinda bratwurstish ;-)

The Snapchat Problem

If you ever tried Snapchat you already know that its pretty hard to find and discover new people. There is no search and because of that you need to know the exact Snapchat username or the snapcode of the person you want to add.

I am a Snapchat heavy user and this situation pissed me off. And of course I have great friends on the plattform. But they arent enough. I struggled to find new interesting accounts besides djkhaled305 (Major 🔑!!!) or Shonduras.

I had to solve this problem.

This is Snapgeist

But I am not a tech guy. Of course I know how to set up and adjust a wordpress blog. I understand HTML & PHP a bit but thats it. Not the best conditions to solve the biggest problem of Snapchat.

Luckily I have a good friend named Sven and he’s working as a web developer. We set together and developed a solution. Today we want to present you the very first version of snapgeist.com. Its really beta beta!

How to find & add new People

We tried to simplify the finding & adding process as much as possible.

Find people

You can browse through our categories like media, sports or artists. You can also directly search for a person you already know. Our search is pretty smart! We connected other profiles (Twitter, Instagram) to the persons Snapgeist profile so you can even find them if you just know their Twitter username.

Add people

Adding people on Snapchat via Snapgeist is super easy.

Desktop: If you visit our site via Desktop just click on the profile picture of the person you want to add. The persons snapcode will appear directly. Now open Snapchat and point your Snapchat camera at a Snapcode, then press and hold on the screen.

Mobile: If you visit our site mobile just click the add button below every profile. You will be forwarded directly to Snapchat to add the person.

Future functions

I dont want to reveal everything but we have some great other stuff planned for the future. In the next couple days we will come up with curated lists to specific topics.

Check out this list example for the US elections 2016.

Follow us on Twitter so you want miss anything :)

Your profile on Snapgeist

You want to be part of Snapgeist? Great! You can already sign up and join the waiting list for your very own profile (no regulations, but you have to use Snapchat of course) and we do our best to expand the access step by step.

Some background infos

The whole project is non commercial and ran just by Sven and me. We wanted to solve the finding new people problem for us and the result was Snapgeist. We hope we can help other people with this little website too :)!

Its not officially related to Snapchat and we just used public data to create the website.

Feedback & Contact

We would love to here your feedback! Just tweet us (Snapgeist I Philipp I Sven) or add us on Snapchat (snapgeistcom I philippsteuer I svengiesen) or send a mail to contact@snapgeist.com.

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P.S. Thanks for reading this far! If you found value in this, I’d really appreciate it if you recommend this post (by clicking the ❤ button) so other people can see it!.



Philipp Steuer

Marketing Liebhaber. Buchautor. Läufer. Optimist. Menschenfreund. 100% Pflanzlich. Hundevater.