What If… Life Is Meaningless

Phillip Ouma
2 min readNov 10, 2023


What is the meaning of life?

The age-old question that humans continuously try to answer.

What if… there is actually NO MEANING to life.

Your existence is meaningless.

What if this is the actual case for life?

This is a scary and dangerous notion because it can lead to nihilism. People start doing whatever they want because life is meaningless or people feel extremely disheartened that they lose hope. They don’t feel the urge to live a life that has no meaning.

People say and believe life is meaningful not because they have hard evidence but merely because the opposite is far worse. Not believing life is meaningful means your life is meaningless and this is something that humans are terrified of.

Most people think life being meaningless is bad.

I think the opposite.

Life being meaningless means that you are responsible for creating meaning in your life.

The meaning of life is to create meaning.

Isn’t this what humans have been doing forever?

  • Having families.
  • Hunting to stay alive.
  • Creating and telling stories.
  • Social activities.
  • Having friends.
  • Continuous innovation.
  • Killing people for personal gain.
  • Slavery.
  • Sexism.
  • Kings and Queens.
  • Governments.

All these things bring some sort of meaning to life. Whether that means abusing people for power or caring about your family. We have created meaning in all these things and continuously do so for other things.

The meaning of life is to create meaning, making life meaningless until you decide to start creating meaning.

Unfortunately, for most of the world, the meaning of people’s lives has been created for them.

​​The meaning of your life was created for you through childhood indoctrination (beliefs and assumptions), your school system, and the country you were raised in. Your meaning of life becomes intertwined with these elements.

If I ask you: What’s the meaning of your life?

  • To get a great paying job?
  • To get a family?
  • To become a multi-millionaire?
  • To be healthy?

What is it?

Whatever you think is important and the things you value will create meaning in your life, even if these things were indoctrinated into you by other people.

The whole concept of personal growth is for you to take control of your life and create your own meaning for your life, instead of living your life with other people’s “meanings.”

Ironically, viewing life as meaningless is another model of explaining how life is actually meaningful.

Life being meaningless can equal your life being meaningless or it can mean your life can be as meaningful as you allow it to be.

It’s up to you.

That’s it for today!

See u next time 🫡



Phillip Ouma

I like challenging norms and having fun doing it. A few curse words here and there to keep readers on their toes.