Facts Or A “Trusted Opinion”… The Dilemma with how I’ve used the Two Step Flow Theory

Billy Phillips
3 min readJan 22, 2022


A development gaining even more traction and popularity as mass media continues to progress is the idea of relying on other’s opinion of the facts.

One person’s opinion on a matter is almost never unique. When news breaks, rather than going straight to the facts, many people will go to their favorite individual for their own outlook and utilize that as their evidence. It seems society is now building up protective walls around themselves made up of outlets they trust to provide information to rely on. This is creating a process of making opinions on an opinion, rather than going strictly on fact.

Personally, I’m aware of how I’m guilty of this. Yet, I’m shutting out the contrary ideas surrounding issues completely. Whether it’s sport or politics, I have individuals and platforms I look to for guidance. The two-step flow theory was exactly how I operated, but I have been able to catch myself in the act when handling media like this. The two-step flow theory states the diffusion of information goes through opinion leaders before reaching the audience. They have built up a reputation I respect, but it is always better to diversify.

Influencer Marketing of product on Instagram Story

In terms of purchasing products, I have succumbed to influencer marketing. I take my fitness very seriously and I have my decisions guided to fitness trainers and personalities found on my social media. An example of this is Devon Levesque. I’ve seen this man frequently tell me on his Instagram stories how he isn’t a licensed nutritionist or personal trainer, but I now use multiple products he implements into his own life. This Instagram story below shows how Levesque claims it is the best pre-workout in the world based on his opinion of a product from a company he is the co-owner of. It’s comical when you dissect the reality of the situation. Yet, I’m still going to keep using them because I trust the opinion without any certified credibility. I’ll even share and recommend the product.

The Many Methods On Twitter To Receive News

Like how I recommend products, I have shared news in the same manner. I gather news most of the time from Twitter and it comes from individuals I follow. While Twitter gives me the opportunity to design my own news agenda by identifying sources and topics I want to follow, but also provides me with additional ways to inform myself.

How Twitter Users Associate With News

Those who follow me on Twitter mostly trust the information I retweet but can form their own opinion on it too. Thus, the two-step flow theory continues to be a factor here. Ultimately, I understand the theory exists within my own actions, but I’m clearly capable of stepping outside of the theory.

