3 Thoughts Alcohol Drinkers Convince You To Believe When You Quit

Good friends don't say these things

Phil Roberts
3 min readSep 28, 2022

No matter what excuses or justifications for your drinking habits you've come up with, I've got some news for you:

The only reason people quit drinking is that they want to quit drinking.

No one can make you do anything against your will.

Nothing is stopping you except yourself.

But your best friends may try and convince you otherwise.

3. Your Best Friends Will Disappear

Alcohol is a social lubricant, so it's no surprise that you feel like the loneliest person when you stop drinking.

But here’s the thing: those people aren’t your friends.

They're just people who like to drink at parties and can find plenty of other people to drink with.

You'll be surprised how quickly you meet new people and make new friends once you're off the booze!



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l phil@philrobertsmedia.com l philwrites.substack.com