5 Reasons You Gossip And How To Stop It

And she said that, and he said this

Phil Roberts
5 min readFeb 22, 2022

Gossiping is so ingrained in our culture it can be hard to see how harmful it can be. But Gossiping is the antithesis of being your best self.

Just ask my neighbour. He is never out of that window, rushing out to chat at a moment’s notice.

“The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,” Shakespeare said.

Did he say that? Oh well, reasonable quote. No it was bad gossip!

Gossiping is not as bad as murdering lawyers, but it’s way up there. It is pretty much universally seen as a useless and petty waste of time.

Secondly, it has a reputation for only being done by shallow, insecure bosses — you know, the kind of bosses who are so threatened by their direct reports that they feel compelled to cut them down for self-promotion.

Nasty bosses!

Nobody wants to be that person. Nobody wants to be associated with a person like that.

And yet, almost everybody does it from time to time. So why do we gossip?

Why does it matter to us?



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l phil@philrobertsmedia.com l philwrites.substack.com