And Coming Up Next

7 Reasons You Sing In The Shower (the big songs matter)

Phil Roberts


You like to sing in the shower, huh? But why do people like you sing in the shower?

I mean, it is weird, right?

Well, so do I.

To be honest, it's my favourite thing to do.

And I can tell you do it too. Otherwise, you would not be here unless you are really driven mad by someone singing in the shower.

Is it possible, right?

Here are seven reasons you sing in the shower and why I think we all like it. I aim to put your mind at rest before you suffer even more Imposter Syndrome.

But before, let me reassure you.

You sing in the shower because you're fantastic. Seriously, you rock.

And here's why it is called being human.

1. You need a break from work

And the shower ticks all those boxes.

Once, I had a coaching client who told me he took a break from work to enjoy singing in the shower.

He said it was his way of creating joy for himself.

So I thought about that and realized that taking a break doesn't always have to be about doing something you don't normally do.

Telling yourself that you need a break from work is an opportunity to do something that brings some joy into your life.

Doing something unique and outside your routine, like going for a walk on the beach, means you're breaking up your day with something that brings you happiness.

It might not seem like a big deal at the time, but it's those little moments of joy that ground us, give us perspective and allow us to continue doing our work in the long-term with greater awareness and appreciation.

But you don't want the attention.

A shower is soundproofed, right?

2. You have soundproof walls


Or so you think, right?

After all, bathrooms are private but think again.

There are many ways to let your inner diva shine — but singing in the shower isn't one of them.

The acoustics of typical showerheads make it easy for others to hear you singing. I mean, it is connected to a pipe.

Your voice will carry, but it's OK, as our perception matters.

Just remember not to sing louder than usual because you think no one can hear you.

If they can hear you breaking wind, they can listen to you sing in the shower, right?

3. There is no judgement about the fact that you aren't a great singer

Have you ever tried to sing in the shower with detachment?

It's hard not to notice how your voice sounds because of the acoustics. When you're singing in the rain, you can't help but hear how out of tune or just plain wrong you sound.

Yet people still sing in the shower, and it's because they don't care how they look or sound.

At this point, we all know what our strengths are, and we must embrace them. If you're not a great singer and can't carry a tune, then so be it.

The same goes for being a great dancer or athlete if that's not your thing.

Dancing is in public, while singing in the shower is private.

4. You're in private mode

Singing in the shower is one of the most enjoyable experiences for anyone who loves music.

It seems like you are in your world, and there is no one around to listen to you.

When it comes to singing in a private shower, you can become a bit of an exhibitionist.

Trying out some new songs might be a lot more fun when you have no idea that someone else will be listening.

The downside of singing in the shower is that people with poor voices might get booed if they get too loud while in there.

You don't want to think about how many bad singers there are out there, but it could hurt your feelings if someone doesn't like your voice at all.

Or worse, the dog howls outside the bathroom door.

It's the shower, so all bets are off.

5. Songs you sing are always hits! ("Don't stop believing")

To believe that the songs you sing in the shower that are always "big top 40 hits" takes a certain level of narcissism.

But according to various studies and the top motivational coaches, that may not be such a wrong guess.

"Don't Stop Believing" by Journey or Glee is good therapy and free.

"We Will Rock You" by Queen is more popular than it is.

This suggests that singing in the shower isn't just an exercise in vanity since people are at least partially aware of what they're singing.

But there's a more important lesson to be learned from this.

People who sing in the shower are more likely to be happier with their lives overall. It could just be that those who enjoy singing are more upbeat or extroverted, or it could be that they sing the best popular songs.

After all, you don't sing the uplifting Carpenters in the shower, do you?

Adele? OK, you win.

6. You start with good intentions, and then magically, it turns into a Karaoke session

I love singing in the shower.

There's something about being able to belt out your favourite tunes without anyone around to judge you for it.

But, after that fateful day on the beach, I'm afraid I've come to realize something: Singing in the shower is a slippery slope.

We know that you want to do karaoke on that package holiday, but you never get up.

In the shower, you are up and standing anyway. And you start to imagine an audience.

7- You release endorphins and get better at singing over time, thus making it "professional" for you to sing in the shower

When you sing, you release endorphins.

Endorphines are a hormone that makes you feel good.

The more you sing, the more endorphins are removed, and you get better at singing.

You tell yourself that you'll feel good after singing, which makes you want to sing professionally in the shower.

Passion is a path to purpose.

This means that, over time, you'll be able to sing in tune and with a better rhythm. Also, your range may extend. Your voice will also get more robust.

Tone down the volume of your singing to make it more comfortable (and so as not to annoy your neighbours).

If you feel good, you will keep doing it and learn more skills even in the shower.

So get singing in the shower.

That's all there is to the seven reasons why I sing in the shower.

Sorry I meant you!

If you sing a tune or two (or three) while the water runs, we'll all know your deepest, darkest secret by the end of the year.

For many, it's because of the full-on immersion and connection to the music that singing provides.

Singing in the Shower releases endorphins and incurs less guilt than doing karaoke because it's all through your soundproof shower walls, and no one judges you :)

Coughs. Why do people sing in the shower? We are human, after all, right?

Just be yourself as there are good reasons why you sing in the shower.

Feel free to listen to The Imposter Syndrome on Audible



Phil Roberts

Author of The Imposter Syndrome On Audible I Radio Presenter @ Cheshire's Mix 56 I N.L.P Coach l Contact