John Stockton is Q.

Mar 24, 2022


Q-Anon leader in uniform. (

Noted infectious disease expert John Stockton, former NBA player and big game choker who never won a championship, knows where the bodies are buried from “hundreds” of athletes who “dropped dead on the field” from taking the Covid vaccine. John will reveal that and how he has been the leader of Q-Anon since its inception in a press conference later today.

I’ve always had a weird feeling about this guy when I heard he still wears his favorite short (pictured) shorts ’til this day, and every day. Same jock strap too (not pictured), neither having been washed (eeeever). Something just not quite right about John.

John making the Q-sign (Seattle Times)




RN, musician, lib, antifa, woke and I write songs keep my stories short and sweet.