The Philosophy of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

3 min readApr 20, 2020


The Predecessor of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) — the Evolution Virus (EV)

The novel Coronavirus is not completely new. It had a predeccessor: Simian immunodificiency virus (SIV). This SIV virus affected primates and apes, and originated in Africa. It later morphed into the HIV virus.

So what was it about? ~Well, according to biology, this SIV virus is very old: about 32,000 years old. It became active in the eighties. So what happened in the eighties?

In the eighties, television became active in human life, and people all over the world were digesting much science and technology via this novel device. As such, this novel device brought the “Theory of Evolution” in the living rooms of people. People suddenly became aware of the fact that they were animals.

Facebook-20 — which has Morphed into COVID-19

The American Congress and Senate recently did multiple hearings of Facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg ~ after the Cambridge Analytica fiasco. They immediately recognized that Mark Zuckerberg is a virus! They tried to alert other countries about this virus. But other countries did not find it worthwhile to take privacy compromises as an worthwhile issue.

The Chinese government was the first foreign government, after the European Union, which recognized the depth of the Facebook-20 virus.

If you have ever sent a friend request to a complete stranger, on Facebook, and had sex~chat with them — then you are still carrying the Facebook-20 virus inside of your psyche, and thus the virus is still living inside you.

What is the Facebook-20 Virus?

The Facebook-20 virus is rather interesting. You may consider it to be outside of your house ~ but it isn’t. If you have ever sent a friend request to a complete stranger, on Facebook, and had sex~chat with them — then you are still carrying the Facebook-20 virus inside of your psyche, and thus the virus is still living inside you.

Who the stranger was, whether they were real people or whether Facebook had employed them 2 cents per message post: that is secondary. If you ever made a stranger your Facebook friend (and had [even the slightest] erotic chat with them), then you have the COVID-19 virus.

Mark Zuckerberg is a Bat!

After the USA government had hearings with Mark Zuckerberg, this is the species of animals they considered Mark Zuckerberg to be of: a bat!

Image from page 166 of “Mammals of other lands” (1917)

The Future of COVID-19

The future of this virus will be the same as that of SIV virus, HIV virus, SARS virus, Ebola virus. It will continue to exist; we would just forget that it had existed. But this virus would have left a strong impact on the Internet world, and netizenships around the world.

The future of this virus is unpredictable at this moment in time. But I can make guesses. Very probably, we shall not encounter a Facebook shutdown. But we may encounter that you have to go to a government office to register and make a new Facebook account. These types of things may surface, as this virus epidemic subsides.

All in all, this virus is not a bad thing. The COVID-19/Facebook-20 virus is a good thing. It is working like a string of pearls, connecting nations and cultures. It would be really interesting to watch in which direction the water goes, and how this virus pandemic develops in the incoming months, and years.

